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David’s Prayer


Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name Psalms 86:11.

… He (God) testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will’ Acts 13:22.

Though God testified that David’s heart pursued after Him, David did not fail to see that many of his imaginations and actions fell short of the state of his heart. He saw his soul’s wrong meditations and the consequences in his fleshly actions that displeased God.

But, David acknowledged the truth that God wants only pure, true and sincere worship or devotion. So, in his anguish for a solution, he prayed to God, ‘Unite my heart to fear (worship) your name’. He was active in his longing for God’s help regarding the matter. He wanted his whole being to join in blessing and praising God Psalms 103:1

This is the heart beat of every true follower of Christ. It is the sign of a vibrant faith.

Scriptures clarifies the truth that, pure and sincere devotion involves our heart, soul and body. It’s God’s work in our heart overshadowing our soul and bearing its fruit out of our body. This is what it means to worship in spirit and truth John 4:23-24. Meaning, the actions of our body should reflect what is in our soul as our soul takes instruction from our heart or spirit where God is working His will.

What did David mean by asking God to unite his heart?

Could it be that he was asking for sanctification? I believe he was. He had a good grasp of the dichotomy of spirit (heart), soul and body and wanted them to unite to glorify God. In other words, he wanted his heart, soul and body to agree with God’s opinion or thought. He desired the free and smooth sailing of God’s command in his daily worship and service to Him.

However, David realized he couldn’t do it by himself, He needed God’s sanctifying power.

David didn’t allow God’s testimony of him to be used by the deceiver (Satan) to delude him. Rather, by faith, he hungered for His righteousness—thereby letting God’s testimony of him serve as a catalyst for, ‘His will in heaven to be done in his life on earth’ Matthew 6:10.

David’s prayer is not surprising. The people of old who pleased God did so by faith, that is, their obedience to God’s command was through Christ though He had not physically been made manifest to mankind on earth.

Did God answer David’s prayer? Yes! He answers the prayers of His children for help always.

Reading through the scriptures, it is clear that David transformed from one who put Uriah in the front line to die, to being a godly king. Towards his end, he testified, ‘that God had given him rest on every side’. Though, within context, ‘rest on every side’ in its use in earlier and later passages with reference to David related to physical wars. However, its spiritual dimension can’t be ignored because, the bigger picture in all of David’s dealings was the spiritual. This was why God testified, that David’s heart was after His own heart or way.

David desired a good standing in God’s sight both for himself and his people just as it applied to other saints of old like Abraham, Moses et al. Hebrews 11:26.

For those whose hearts acknowledge and desire God’s will, when the soul and body unite with the heart, God’s will is easily accomplished—obedience to Christ’ command through the Holy Spirit sails freely. This is the effect of sanctification.

In the New Testament, Paul’s prayer for the church in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 lined up with David’s, “… May every fiber of my being unite in reverence to your name” (Psalms 86:11b Living Bible).

Our Savior (Jesus Christ), authenticated the thought behind both David and Paul’s prayers by His reply to the question: What is the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-38.

His answer was simple but profound, ‘Love God holistically (spirit, soul and body). And it is exhibited by the second greatest command in Matthew 22:39—meaning, as God has loved you and helped you to love yourself, love others in the same way. Put differently, let your light shine! God grants our prayer for sanctification because, He wants to see us building on His solid Foundation with the right materials 1 Corinthians 3:11. Not with wood, hay and stubble—but with gold, silver and precious stones 1 Corinthians 3:12.

The testimony of God about His Son’s body (the church) on earth is that she is the light and salt of the world. And, He wants to see that testimony lived out. Hence, the exhortation and admonition, “…let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father” Matthew 5:16, Galatians 6:10.

Paul the apostle tells us, ‘The opposite of us letting our light shine out will be, to live as enemies of His cross that saved us’ Philippians 3:18. But, when His light in us shines out, what glory it brings to God!

Like David, a servant with a heart after God’s heart, let us pray, “… May every fibre of my being unite in reverence to your name” and from Paul’s example, a man full of grace, let us desire and pray: ‘May the God of peace himself cause us to be completely dedicated to him; and may our spirit, soul, and body be kept intact and blameless at our Lord Jesus Christ’s coming’. Amen!


Light and Life in God’s Word

Light and Life in God’s Word

It is good to know and handle the word of God because it contain His Spirit as a light that gives life (John 8:12, 1:4). However, we can handle His word without its spirit or life and light (2 Corinthians 3:6, Jeremiah 2:8).

This danger is subtle and can creep upon us if we presume our busyness— evangelizing, teaching, and caring for people, active in social networks and blogging as tantamount to having His life in abundance (John 10:10).

Even being consumed with our legitimate means of livelihood can conceal our lack of His ever abundant life beckoning on us.

The truth that God’s word is crucial and ineluctable for humans and the universe is undeniable. By His word, the cosmos was spoken into being, and our life’s origin is from Him.

To us humans, Adam being the first, God spoke not that our life should be rather, He entered man by His breath—that is, His very spirit (Life) took residence in Adam. Hence, man became a living soul. Adam came to know the life inside him as the Word — his God and Creator in whom he lived, moved and had his being (Acts 17:28).

Therefore, in their activities in Eden’s garden, God’s every word became their light and first priority. And it was to be an inheritance to their descendants.

But, with the passing of time, they gave God’s word second place in their daily living through the deception of the serpent, the devil. This meant they departed from His path of light and life into darkness or the broad way — a tragic fall from God’s grace! Hebrews 12:15a. From being a living soul, they became dead souls with fleshly might, which was no match for their enemy, Satan (a fallen angel and his cohorts).

Obviously, the kingdom of darkness gained a boast over man. Suddenly, man who through God’s grace had boldness and dominion over all of His creation had lost His glory. As a result, when God called out to Adam and Eve, they didn’t have boldness to fellowship with Him any more.

Though they still handled or remembered His word to them not to eat from the tree of good and evil, the life and light of His word had been lost. They had no power of life to obey it again. Once God’s word takes second place in man, its life and light goes out.

This should deter us ever looking away from Christ Jesus, THE NEW AND LIVING WAY that gives us boldness to fellowship with God at His throne of grace Hebrews 4:16, 10:19-22. Looking away means relegating Him to second place in our lives.

Jesus hates to be our second love or priority. It is a colossal mistake with hellish consequences.

Making Him our second priority is like knowing and handling the word without the life and light. And without light, gloom and darkness prevail. Hence, man loses direction and the essence of living which is—to praise and worship God daily.

The words of prolific writer, C. S. Lewis captured the fact of human neglect of her duties to God: “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy”.

The word “happy” is mankind’s way of describing peace and joy. But, the word of God says to us, peace and joy are founded upon righteousness as a virtue of His kingdom (Romans 14:17). The rejection of the spirit, light and life in His word equates to us robbing ourselves of true happiness. Mankind’s own happiness is transient because it is based on things that are temporal and does fade away.

God destined righteousness, peace and joy (happiness) for man is wrapped up in His Son and in Him alone. His word carries the impact of His life as a light shining on the narrow path for all who will embrace and cling to His Son—herein is real happiness found (Psalm 119:105). His word is destined for first place in us humans and over all things and in all things. It must be so for us to have coherence, escape corruption and enjoy happiness for all eternity.

Jesus’ narrative of the rich man who existed in transient happiness while in his mortal body but ended up in perpetual unhappiness in his immortal state is a warning for mankind and the church to give God’s life and light found in His word first priority while the opportunity remains.

All who have been called into Christ are daily in this battle to “abide in Him” (1 John 2:28) described as “looking unto Jesus” in (Hebrews 12:2) and referenced as ‘your first love or the love you had at first’ in Revelation 2. In other words, to abide in Christ is to look steadily on Him (keep Him as first love) and not to make Him second priority in our daily living. That is to say, Christ as God’s light and life bound up in the word must not be separated. Handling His word without its light and life will at most, make us moralistic people.

Mistake of the Ephesians Church
What happened to Ephesus church as representing a certain church age in (Revelation 2:2-4) is an admonition for us in the twenty-first century church. They remembered the word, laboured hard, had patience and even fished out false apostles among them yet, Christ’ life and light (first love) that worked within their hearts was faded. This is a thing you and I must guard against in our own lives (Matthew 22:37-39).

Intimate relationship or fellowship with God should always come first and from its backdrop, relationships and all its activities with others.

Adam and Eve experienced the glory of God living in, walking and talking with them in Eden’s garden while He remained first in their everyday living. But as said earlier, painfully, they were eventually defeated in that garden because they demoted God’s word to second place.

God’s infinite wisdom and redemptive purpose was to later hatch, His Word became flesh and dwelt amongst men. And, in the garden of Gethsemane, the Word shed His blood, died and resurrected. Now, He lives not just among us but in us, walking and talking with us as Adam and Eve experienced Him in Eden’s garden. This time, and in this Gethsemane garden (the world), the Man Jesus has defeated the serpent.

Therefore, today, the scriptures exhort and admonish man boldly, ‘Christ in you—the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27). Not we working for the gospel but, the spirit, light and life of His word or the gospel working in us and giving out its fruit through us.

Paul the apostle had a good grasp of this. As the gospel (light and life of God’s word) worked in him, he strived to imprint the truth of Gethsemane’s victory into the heart of the church. Nevertheless, he never failed to also remind the church to learn from man’s fall in Eden through Satan’s deception (2 Corinthians 11:3).

For emphasis, Satan’s deception worked only because Adam and Eve forgot their first love. This is why the Holy Spirit is with us, always reminding and helping us not to forget our first love, Christ Jesus. And we are admonished to encourage one another daily to this end (Hebrews 3:13).

So, God is not looking for us to just know the letter of His word or is He seeking to talk “to” us, no, rather, He desires to talk “with” us—herein is life. And, He wants to “walk” with us not just “show” us the way— that is light as found in His word (Christ). He is the Light of the world (John 8:12, Revelation 21:23). Outside Him is gross darkness.

As redeemed and beloved children of God, may we find grace to keep coveting after the spirit, light and life in His scriptures, that is our first love!



God’s Voice

 God's Voice

 What a good feeling it brings when our fellow humans praise and tell us how good a people we are. Yet, all that is nothing and should remain as nothing till we also hear God’s voice telling us we are His as we walk with Him. His testimony towards us doesn’t just bring good feelings, no, it brings unspeakable joy that has grace to keep us walking with Him to the end Romans 8:16, Hebrews 10:38-39.

The bride of Christ is made up of many individuals (sheep). He walks and speaks with each one of us, confirming we are His. God the Father gave us to him John 10:29. He engages each sheep in discussions about the kingdom of His Father who also is our Father.

Before Jesus’ death and resurrection, His disciples had little or no comprehension of the Kingdom because they only received and understood Him in the flesh Acts 1:6. Earlier, when Jesus transfigured into the dimension of the Kingdom to which He was King, James, John and zealous Peter immediately wanted to start building three booths (what many consider as church today) Mark 9:2-7.

Also, when it was time for Him to go to the cross, die and resurrect so the disciples could start understanding and enjoying the Kingdom, they were rather prepared for fleshly war Luke 22:49-50. Meanwhile, as far as Peter was concerned, this Christian business is fight to finish! So, he decided to take down someone’s ear for starters. It will send the message to the enemies he might have thought. Though Peter may have known Zechariah 4:6 in the Torah, he hadn’t yet experienced it like many of us today who misunderstand Jude 1:3.

Since Christ’s resurrection, no one receives Him after the manner of the flesh again but only after the spirit. After He rose from the grave, He spoke of nothing to His sheep except as it pertained to the Kingdom. No more was He speaking about it in parables but clearly. With Pentecost, His sheep received the indwelling Teacher whose ceaseless work is to teach them “all truth” about the Kingdom, comfort and lead them John 14:17, 16:13.

His post resurrection and Pentecost disciples therefore, are spiritual people blessed to discern the Kingdom 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.

The teaching, comfort, leading and everything else the Holy Spirit does in and through each sheep’s HEART, SOUL and BODY exhibits the Kingdom visibly on the earth Matthew 6:10.

However, God’s instruction in our spirit or heart cannot be obeyed without our mind being renewed. Why? Well, what we have in our soul or mind gets acted out through our body or temple Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 6:19. This is why the greatest commandment captured true worship of God in spirit and truth—thereby encompassing man’s spirit, soul and body 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

Minus anyone of these three realms and immediately you get falsehood and religion instead of relationship.

The Lord of a man’s spirit or heart must be the lord of the man’s soul and body Deuteronomy 6:5, 1 Corinthians 6:20. Therefore, everyone who receives Christ Jesus into his or her heart gives Him their soul and body to reign in. It is for this reason that although we as believers have already given our hearts to Christ, His voice of scriptures still exhort and admonish us to, “Submit to God…” and, to put on Christ James 4:7, Romans 12:1, 13:14.

Those who have not received Christ cannot submit to God. Submitting to God goes beyond keeping laws to obeying Christ’s bidding through the Holy Spirit Revelation 2:29, Philippians 3:9. It is different from being humanitarian, doing loads of good works, going to “church” and being pious etc. Though self-goodness can come out of man, man’s nature is totally corrupt.

Our own righteousness unavoidably stained with serpentine craftiness is like a filthy rag in God’s sight. This truth will keep bewildering the religious world. Self has nothing to offer God because it is deceitful and desperately wicked. It deceives its own self and dishonors its Creator once sufficient allurement is given to its eyes, appetite and ego. For this reason, God’s voice is ever with believers through His word to renew our soul and help us subdue our bodies under Christ through the working of His grace in our hearts.

The Spirit of Christ must reign over the soul else, one will be like a person betrothed but who gives his or her mind and body to another 2 Corinthians 11:2-3.

Peter’s foretaste of the Power of His voice

Peter as a weak mortal man participated in Christ’s divine walk on water and did not sink. How? Because he looked to Jesus and hearkened to His voice. Peter’s spirit, soul and body submitted to God. But, after a while, like Adam and Eve’s experience in God’s garden, this level of loyalty and concentration on Christ was severely challenged, tempted and harassed.

Unfortunately, Peter looked away and immediately started sinking (submitting to Satan). As we hear the Holy Spirit’s voice, God’s grace is sufficient to keep us looking unto Christ and walking with Him Matthew 14:28-31. The grace in Christ’s voice that Peter initially hearkened to helped him look quickly again and he cried out to Christ. Glory to God! And he instantly started to have dominion over the water’s waves. Amen!

The light that proceeds from Christ’s voice gives dominion to anyone looking unto Him. Consequently, His light moves the weak and broken from one dimension of glory to many realms of glory in Him.

Dominion by looking and hearing Christ

No matter how perplexed and struck down a believer in Christ gets, the privilege to hear and listen to Christ has power to change the situation Psalm 29:3-9. It delivers from every manner of evil and attacks: materialism, spiritual and physical laziness, gluttony, pornography, paedophilia, homosexuality, hatred, slander, fornication, adultery, spirit of pre-eminence, persecution, witchcraft,  fear of death etc. How can it not be so, when grace upon grace has been given to the new creation helping her look to Christ Jesus who had victory over all iniquity!

Dear reader, this world we live in is sinking and decaying. However, there is Christ’s voice of instruction that can save us though there is also Satan’s voice fast wanting to align us with the decay.

Which of the voices are we listening to, Christ or Satan? The latter will lead to fear, sinking and death. Hence, we must encourage ourselves to look and listen only to Christ by the Holy Spirit’s voice because it leads to right-conduct (righteousness), repentance, peace, boldness, joy and life eternal.

He that truly believes (looks and Hearkens) to Christ Jesus’s voice will never perish.


The Gardener’s help and discerning the “present time”

 Jesus said to the people, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, you say at once, ‘a shower is coming.’ And so it happens. And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, ‘There will be scorching heat,’ and it happens Luke 12:54. While it looked like He was commending their power to forecast rightly, He hit them hard unreservedly—without respect for political correctness in verse 55 “You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?”

For Jesus, the important thing that generation should have discerned was the “present time”,  season or situation they were in. We in this present generation also need to learn a lesson in this matter of discerning the “present time” and not be deceived into inventing liturgies to suit man’s ever evolving and unstable culture. What exactly did Jesus mean by the phrase “present time” in verse 54 of Luke 12?

The parable of the “fig tree planted in a man’s vineyard” as told by Jesus in Luke 13:6 can help us understand His usage of the phrase “present time”. In this parable, it is said, that the “man came or visited” (which is an indication of present time) later described clearly in the passage as a “three years” visiting time verse 7 and, a “one year” that will culminate to a pleasant or wrathful visitation verse 8 Luke 13:7-8.

The purpose of the vineyard owner’s visitations for three years (present time) was clearly defined. It was to reap fruit from the fig tree verse 7. Hence, what was and still is paramount is the fig tree knowing or discerning its state and cooperating with the Gardener (Holy Spirit). Rightly forecasting “climate change” is of least importance.

In the Gardener’s reply to Christ, a “one year” period was solicited and scheduled verse 8. This one year “present time” is a time of mercy and grace for the fig tree to engage in repenting and cooperating with the Gardener to please the “owner of the vineyard” by bearing fruit. The privilege of admission into the vineyard must be justified.

Now, the question is this: What will our 21st century generation do with this “present time”? What will you and I do with it? What are the youths being taught to do with this “present time”.

The Gardener’s responsibility is to dig and manure the vineyard and not to force the fig tree in the vineyard to yield fruit. Therefore, He reaffirms to the “vineyard owner” to keep up His responsibility relentlessly verse 8.  Nevertheless, the Gardener concludes His speech by saying, “… if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down” verse 9. The lack of presumptuousness on the side of the Gardener is striking! Gentle and unassuming is characteristic of the Gardener. The fig tree of the vineyard can’t be passive as modern “Christian revelatory teachers are selling”.

Paul, like the rest of the apostles, recognized the all important work of the Gardener and the response needed. It inspired His admonition to the saints thus, ‘Do not grieve the Spirit but rather cooperate with Him’ Ephesians 4:30. The redemption of saints is nearer than ever before and it is tied to the work of the Gardener.  Therefore, any predicting of the future, and analysis of present world events that does not culminate to this one thing—that is, cooperating with the Holy Spirit “in this one year season” is merely being religious, a waste of time and energy or life.

Hence, in Ephesians 5: 15-16, saints are both exhorted and admonished thus; “… be careful to live your life wisely, not foolishly. Take advantage of every opportunity because these are evil times”.

On the one hand, it is evil times because the “vineyard owner” is ready to cut down the fig tree if it does not bear fruit and on the other hand, Satan is at his best with deception to discourage the fig tree from cooperating with the vineyard Dresser or Gardener. As a fig tree, check out what comes out from you when you fail to submit to God (cooperate with the Gardener) and restrain or resist the evil one. The Church restrains evil and the evil one victoriously only through the Gardener’s work in and through her Zechariah 4:6. This re-emphasizes the indispensable place of the Gardener in the vineyard.

Therefore, the heavens, world events, earth and the sky that man is so good in predicting are joined together in pleading with those without Christ in this age and to the saints: Yield to the Gardener—that is, choose life and if you have already done so, then, live the abundant life in this age at this “present time” John 10:10. But to disobey Him persistently is choosing death and the wrath of God. What is God’s advice to us in all of this?

His advice is this: Now, (signifying chance for a fresh start)  “… choose life—so that you and your descendants will live— by loving the Lord your God, by obeying his voice, and by clinging to him. That’s how you will survive and live long on the fertile land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors: to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Verse 19-20 of Deuteronomy Chapter 30 (CEB).

This fertile land has a character of flowing with milk and honey! And it has a mystery too—which is this: Its maker and builder is the Architect of the universe, Christ Jesus Himself. The one to who all spirits in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth are subject to. And to whom all glories belong, the Head of the Church of the Living God, Father of all creation. He is speaking about this “present time”. Let all who have ears listen—listen to what the Spirit is saying. Within the period of the “one year” of Christ’s visitation, it can happen that we leave this world into His pleasant or wrathful presence. Therefore, man ought not to boast of tomorrow. Today is the best to bear fruit unto God.

This “present time” is a “one year” (not literal one year) of friendship with the Gardener who leads us into all the mind of Christ and participation in Christ’s suffering—in the face of multi-dimensional battles. It is a great call to perseverance and humbleness. It is a time of friendship with the One who leads us to fruitfulness and resounding victory.


The Day of the Lord


Rich Exhortation and Admonition from George H. Warnock

It certainly appears to me that we are close to the Day of the Lord. – A ‘Day’ that is described in scripture as a time of gross darkness in the world about us…yet holds forth the promise of a glorious Light that will shine upon His people.The prophets spoke much of this “Great” yet “Terrible” Day – when great darkness shall engulf the earth, while His people walk in the Light of the Lord Jesus. God wants us to “walk in the Light” now lest we presumptuously think all is well because we have good doctrine, and attend a good church.

We must have true faith, lest in our presumption we find that Day to be one of darkness… and we “stumble on the dark mountains”, and look for the light that is not there. No matter how dark the night may be surrounding us, “the children of the Light” will walk in the Light of God. When gross darkness covered the whole land of Egypt…there was “Light” in the homes of the people of God.

As God’s wrath is poured out on a world of iniquity, God has made every provision for the children of Light – and that provision is nothing less than the “whole Armor of God”. (Eph. 6), described in Romans as “the Armor of Light” (Rom.13:12).

The climatic battle of the ages is closing in upon us, and God will have a Gideon army whose only weapons were – a trumpet and a pitcher…with a lamp inside the pitcher. Right now they seem to be doing nothing for God–as they sit in the darkness on the hillside. But in that Day they will break their pitchers and hold their lamps high; and with trumpet blast (a sure, clear voice from God) they will declare their victory- with no other weapons than the Armor of God.

Gideon’s army shouted aloud, “The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon…!” — and panic and fear griped the hearts of the enemy until they fled in terror. There were many volunteers in Gideon’s army at first…32,000 of them… But God sent most of them home, choosing to use only 300, whom He knew would give Him all the glory.

I emphasize these things because it seems to me that God’s people for the most part do not care to become involved with God’s battle plan…but choosing to be mobilized by some outstanding church leader rather than knowing the voice of the Lord God for themselves. Some do not even want to be around on the Day of the Lord…because they read of the terror of that Day…and fail to see the Light that will engulf the darkness.

They talk about God ‘sparing’ them from His wrath – yet fail to understand that God “spares” His people, by clothing them with “the whole Armor of God”.

We have ample teaching from the Lord Jesus and His apostles, admonishing us concerning that Day. Be alert! Be awake! “Let us not sleep”…said the apostle, but “Let us watch and be sober”… Put on the whole Armor! This is God’s provision for us in that Day: “The breastplate of faith and love.” …”and for an helmet the hope of salvation, for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (See 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8)

Many just brush aside this teaching of the Day of the Lord, or view it as something too controversial to meddle with. Then there are many who remember the stories they heard from their parents or grandparents of how they anticipated the ‘end-times’…60 -70 or 80 years ago. “But we’re still here!” they say. True enough, but we are 60 – 70 – 80 years closer to it now that we were then.

Let’s consider a possible scenario in the days of Noah. Here’s a group of people taunting Noah for his folly. “Noah, you have been talking about God’s judgments for 119 years. When are you going to forget that wild dream you had?” But the next year it happened!

We are farther along in God’s program that we were 80 years ago… and as Jesus predicted because of this lapse of time, there is now a generation in the “church” …that has become careless, indifferent, insensitive to the times…and are saying (not verbally but with their actions), “My Lord delayed His coming”.

The apostle Peter said ‘scoffers’ would arise in the last days, saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since our fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (2 Pet. 3:4) Some of us recall that kind of scoffing, many decades ago. But we are farther along now than the time Peter spoke about.

I recall an engineer who worked in a place where I once worked, who would use the expression, “He’s slower than the second coming!” (referring to a slothful man on the job). We know all about the scoffers! Yet none of them are saying, “All things continue as they were…” We have moved beyond the point Peter referred to — in just the last two or three decades.

Nobody is saying it now! Scientists are not saying it. Environmentalists are not saying it. Educators are not saying it. Politicians are not saying it. The “Press” is not saying it. Even ordinary scoffers are not saying it! There are frequent references in the news about “Armageddon” …as one catastrophe follows another. Planet earth has become a worrisome topic by men in high places.

A year ago I heard a panel of eminent scientists declare that the ocean would be ‘fished out’ within 10 years if the nations don’t get together and make enforceable conservation laws to save our fish…endangered as they are by pollution, as well as by high tech ocean farming.

Our beautiful pine forest in British Columbia could be wiped out, if we cannot control the beetle! Men of science and knowledge fear that Planet Earth’s oxygen supply is in serious danger of being depleted. Peter spoke about end time scoffers who say, “All things continue as they were since the beginning.” We are far beyond that time now.

Still many of God’s people, who have lost the vision of His Appearing continue to think like the crazy world in which we live – “There’s nothing we can do about it; so let’s live it up!”

I say it’s time we think about God’s holy Armor!…time to polish it up and put it on!

This holy Armor of Light will be our victory in this awesome Night that is closing in upon us. Can we not hear Him knocking at the door? “Please let Me in…Please open the door and invite Me to come in. I want to sit at your table and eat with you, and you with Me.”

Yet, we are saying by our nonchalant actions.. “O, He can come in if He wants to…Surely He knows we love Him, and we are working hard to see the promotion of His Gospel in the earth.”

I am not a pessimist by any means…except when it concerns the purposes of men. Was it pessimism when word got around on the Titanic, that this unsinkable vessel had struck an iceberg and was sinking? Some thought so, and carried on with their music, dancing and games.

They simply believed the engineers were right: they were on a boat that was unsinkable. The captain himself turned a deaf ear to the news that icebergs were near at hand. He must have this wonderful legacy of steering the most beautiful, unsinkable Queen of the Seas to America in record time, before he retired.

When reality struck home the optimism vanished, the wild and happy music and laughter subsided—and the orchestra began to play; “Nearer my God to Thee”.

When will God’s people learn that Titanic earth has struck a ‘berg’ and is sinking?

Were Jeremiah, Isaiah and Joel pessimists because they saw the people of God doing their own thing, with no fear of God in their hearts, heedless of the One who had separated them unto Himself to be a Holy Nation? I know God will continue to reach out to His people. But it seems there are very few in our land or in the U.S., who are earnestly calling upon God, confessing their sin and making Him Lord of their lives.

Instead they think their outreaches and works will be accounted unto them as righteousness. The music says it all, “We are a happy, jovial, people praising the Lord.” Away with solemn songs bidding the Lord of Glory to come to His holy Temple; to cleanse us, purge us, and make us to be totally separated unto Him.

For the most part we hear these words, spoken or implied, : “We are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing.” How does the Lord of the Church respond to that? He looks upon us and says, “Thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked” …and we simply will not accept that verdict.

He offers to us the true riches; Gold, tried in the fire…Eyesalve to anoint our eyes that we might see…White raiment to clothe ourselves with His own garments of holiness, purity and grace. We just go our way, choosing to clothe ourselves with the filthy garments of our good works, works of our own choosing.

In the midst of the dearth, we know our God is preparing a “willing People” for the Day of His Power. He is preparing a Joseph in a prison-house for the Day of Famine; a Moses in the wilderness of Midian, who will go forth with no weapon but a stick in his hand to deliver a whole nation of slaves; an Elijah people who will “stand before God” and hear words from His mouth, and effectively call a people to repentance ; a John the Baptist arising in the midst of a stream-lined and proud religious order, calling men to repentance, be they religious or profane.

And in the outcome of it all, God will have a “glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing”….A HOLY Bride that will cry out, in union with the Spirit of God, to the poor, wretched and needy of the earth: “Come! Come!. Whosoever will, let him take of the Water of Life freely”.

May the Lord help us all in these awesome times, to draw closer and closer to our Lord Jesus. For only in union with Him will we have unfailing supply of “oil” to keep our lamps burning in the midnight hour that is closing upon us.
