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Mavis duCille: Be Strong in the Lord

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Ephesians 6:10.

For several weeks, these words kept ringing in my heart, so one day I decided to see what enlightenment the Lord had in store. It seems clear on reading from verse one to the end of the chapter that these are walking truths or instructions for our daily lives – a paragon by which our attitudes can be shaped or measured.

First, children are exhorted to obey parents, then wives to submit to husbands, then parents not to provoke their children, but treat them with love. James 1:20 says “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of GOD,” therefore; whatsoever is done in anger cannot produce fruit of righteousness. Masters, treat your slaves kindly; for us it would be employers treat your employees kindly. Slaves, be subject to your masters, or employees be subject to your employer, as unto Christ.

The marital status in our society has deteriorated tremendously from “love and cherish, honor and obey” to hate and ill-treat, disrespect and disregard. Children are rebellious, instead of being obedient to parents who gave them life; parents abuse instead of loving and nurturing their children. Masters or employers cheat and exploit servants and employees, while employees do not give full measure or faithful service – we could go on and on.

These manifestations, however, are signs of the times: the Word enjoins us to “…redeem the time for the days are evil.” See Ephesians 5:16.

People of God! It is time for the world to see that having Jesus Christ in our hearts makes a difference in every area of our lives. The Holy Spirit is willing and ready to guide every facet of our lives if we are willing to let go of our soulishness – using our own mind, emotions, will and desires instead of seeking the will of the Lord. We should desire to be guided by the Holy Spirit in all matters pertaining to our home, work and all other involvements. THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD and we are always under His watchful eye.

Verse 10, “Finally, my brethren, be STRONG…” When believers walk carelessly, they are robbed of the strength and authority that is within the Holy Spirit. “I give unto you power over all the power of the enemy.” This is conditional to obedience to the Spirit of Christ. If a battery has a leak, then it loses power. When Christians do things contrary to righteousness, they are submitting to another spirit which drains their power and divests them of their authority through the Holy Ghost, with little or no overcoming.

It is not enough to say “JESUS IS LORD.” We have to MAKE Him Lord and King over every detail of our daily lives. There are battles being waged in the heavenlies over us, and the people of God must have the victory. We are exercised first in small things. “If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5.

Ephesians 6:1-9 seems to point out a few possible weaknesses in our everyday living and how to overcome them, so that we might “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” It is a ***walk of the Spirit. The verses after 10 tell us how we can be STRONG and overcome, having the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith which quenches the fiery darts of the enemy, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, our loins girded with truth and our feet shod with the PREPARATION of the Gospel of peace.

The armour described above is not for lying down; it is for STANDING. It is not for sitting idly by; it is for fighting. It covers the head, the forehead, and the back of the neck – the helmet of salvation. The mind is protected by our salvation – He gives us the Spirit of a sound Mind.

The shield of faith is a defensive weapon to turn back the lightning bolts which the enemies sometime throw at us. Righteousness is a breastplate of the Spirit. That which misses the shield, and is not parried by the sword, is turned away by the breastplate. The sword is the only offensive weapon in our armory. The power of the spoken Word is far beyond what we can, at this time, imagine. The Word says that “He spoke” and it was done. The words of our mouth have the power of life and death. Let us keep the Word of God in our hearts and on our lips. Loins girded with truth will help us to stand upright, and feet shod with that special mixture or preparation of the Gospel of peace will help us not only to walk but to run the race with patience.

Be not afraid of the roaring of the lion, for the power of His might is greater than that of the roaring lion. Like Daniel, let us say “…my God whom I serve continually shall deliver me.”


Being Led By The Spirit

It is very easy for man to turn every beautiful gift of God to his own means for achieving his own selfish desires and it always leads to sincere errors and misplacement of priorities fostered by misinterpretation of God’s word that is perfect and well capable of converting the soul and keeping it in the straight and narrow.

The extract below from George Warnock’s book ” Beauty For Ashes Part 4” -Chain Reaction in Realms of the Spirit- Chap 6, being lead by the spirit: sheds helpful light to bear in mind as one desires to be lead by the spirit of God.

“Let us not emphasize this matter of being led by the Spirit, in the context of things temporal or geographical. These are important too, but if we are faithful to be led by the Lord into living truth, and into realms heavenly and spiritual, then I am sure we will find ourselves doing the right things regarding the temporal, and being in the proper place geographically. If we are moving in the Spirit, and walking in God’s will, we will always discover that we are in God’s place at God’s time. I believe all this is a vital part of Jesus’ promise: “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

One of the things the lord has been teaching me over the years and which I am still learning day by day is that all of his business is inspired and accomplished by His spirit. So desiring to fervently join oneself to Gods’ business as He inspires it will always mean readiness to hold His admonition in Rom 12:3-8 also fervently.

Close attention to Rom 12:3-8 above reveals the following:

[a] It is admonished to every member including those who have been gifted with any of the five-fold ministries and the elders in Christ’s body in the context of a local assembly.

[b] It is the responsibility of each member of the body of Christ at a local assembly to be faithful to think soberly according to the measure of faith and grace God has given to him in such a way that honours God.

[c] It is not the responsibility of anyone else to enforce upon another.

[d] It forbids that any man should assume or be assigned a responsibility beyond his measure of faith and grace.

[e] It also means that none should be depraved or suppressed to function to the measure of faith and grace given to him or her by God.

These understanding shows that if one thinks of himself with more than the measure of faith and grace already existing in one’s life at a particular time, the person dishonors God and it shows itself in the way it generates schism or disrupts the fellowship of the gathering of saints.

Also, if one thinks of himself with less than the measure of faith and grace already existing in his life at a particular time, he dishonors God and robs the gathering of saints the blessing God intents to flow out from him as a vessel or temple. So thinking more highly or less of oneself is dishonoring God. Treating any vessel of God more highly or less as needed is also dishonoring God and creating room for the enemy to attack that vessel and consequently the Church.

Paul was almost tempted to boast because his authority (measure of faith and grace) was challenged unduly. Also, Paul and Apollos was at one time looked upon more highly than they ought not to be and they resisted the brethren from such mindset that dishonor God and put them in danger. It also occurred when Barnabas and Paul was almost worshiped as deity by some pagan oriented community that was freshly embracing the message of Christ.

Everyone in Christ is either contributing positively or negatively to God’s business on the earth. You and I need to withdraw often to examine our lives closely in the light of the above exhortation. The body of Christ must be given fervent attention but not in and with the fleshly mind.

I believe we’re once again in a time of great opportunity to be used by God to demonstrate His love and power to the dying world and to His discouraged sheep that are fast being swept away by every wind of doctrines.

There is a returning to our first love for one another that I believe God is waiting on us for that will usher in an incredible response to our prayers for demonstration of His power in us to heal, do miracles, signs and wonders at a pace, magnitude and depth that will not only equal what we read in the early Church but even more as prophesied by Joel and confirmed by Jesus Christ.

As we keep drawing close to the time of God, the need to obey God’s instruction on how to build His temple will be more urgent and needed.

One instruction that stands out is the instruction not to quarry the stones of the temple in the temple house but to do it at the site where the stone is- shaping it to fit its place at the temple house (1 Kings 6:7). By interpretation, every stone (each believer) must at their private place give God chance to shape them into what He intends to use them for in His house (church-gathering of saints). It is time for brothers that tends to work together and those working together to love themselves deeply and know themselves not just after the manner of flesh but more importantly after the spirit as God have known each vessel.

Private disagreements must be seen as private and settled fast in sincerity privately without making it the Church’s issue and then dragging others into it because of the influence (measure of faith and grace) God has given us. All God given faith and grace is for building up not for religious politics. Thank God He has anointed the ears of His sheep with ear salve to enable them hear His teaching, reproof, correction and training in righteous conducts and love. The warning for us is to be wise and fear God who remains a consuming fire even in our dispensation of grace.

May the Lord continue to multiple His mercy and grace to His Church that in all things, in thought, words and deeds; we might please Him as He weighs the intentions and actions of each lively stone in His house.


Mavis duCille: In His Name

In these days, there is so much strife and division among people that there has been the need to cry out, “Lord, how can these things be?”

The natural, physical body functions beautifully and perfectly, without any single part being against the other. This physical body is a type of the Spiritual Body, therefore, there must be a perfect function of the Body of Christ.

God divides and separates through the working of the Spirit – good from evil, light from darknesss, righteousness from unrighteousness – so that His people can be free from all the works of the enemy, and be separated unto Him in Holiness and Righteousness – PRAISE GOD.

God, the giver of understanding, has been unveiling the mystery.

Deliverance from every situation is in HIS NAME – not name as label on someone or something, but HIS NAME which is HIS NATURE. That nature is love, peace, submission, etc. Whatsoever we ask in His Name.

So many times, believers come together and leave undelivered and unblessed – frustrated and discouraged, not having received from the Lord that which has been promised. The reason is that something is wrong with the gathering or the gathered; it was not in HIS NATURE. There may be unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, malice, strife, guile, cunning craftiness, and such things that are contrary to the NATURE of Christ. It is like having flies in the ointment. Clean hands and a pure heart is that acceptable offering before God. Remember, God looks at the inner being. He sees light or darkness. Forgiveness and cleansing through the atonement sanctifies the vessel, making way for the greatest blessings.

God cannot bless while the contrary nature is encouraged in the soul. All the sacrifices and necessary preparations were made in the Outer Court so the services of the tabernacle would not be hindered in any way, hence the needs of the people were met. When Israel made the perfect sacrifice, God was pleased and they were blessed to the fullest. Their enemies could not stand before them; they had complete victory in all areas. When they transgressed, they fell prey to their enemies, even to the bondage of slavery.

The fruits of the flesh (anger, wrath, malice, strife, envy, bitterness, etc.) are all works of the evil one, works of darkness – where Satan presides as lord. When we therefore entertain these, we fall into the realm of darkness where Satan has power over us. We only have power in Christ; we have no power in darkness.

“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with ALL malice: And be ye Kind one to another, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath FORGIVEN YOU.” Ephesians 4:31-32.

There should be no place given to the devil, or he will take advantage of every opportunity to rob and destroy.

PRAISE GOD. WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS, because God made available to us, His People, every necessary piece of armament to insure us the victory.

His active presence can be experienced in the fullness of His revealed character. His NAME is linked with His righteousness, faithfulness, holiness, goodness, mercy, love, truth, etc. – that is His NAME. Since the assembling of believers forms the basis for spiritual unity with Christ, for participation of His bounties and viewing of His Sovereignty, believers must, through the divine power, rise from the lower realm (which is the opposite and contrary nature) to partake of that DIVINE NATURE.

God will not share His Glory. There must be a rejecting of one nature in order to receive the other nature. Self takes the place of Christ in the soul – the more self is rejected and cast out, the more of Christ we can have.

Times without number in the scriptures, this principle is seen in operation of someone calling on the name of the Lord:


Elijah had faith in God; he knew God’s divine purpose. It was a time when Israel should halt no longer between two opinions: they had to make a decision between God and Baal. Though there were four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, Elijah knew His God whom he served. Baal was stilled before the Almighty. God answered not only by consuming Elijah’s sacrifice with fire, but licked up all the water that was poured onto the sacrifice and the very stones also. PRAISE GOD.

There is record of priests going to offer sacrifice in disobedience and rebellion – they were consumed.

Some went to cast out devils – instead the devils turned on them and tore them.

The spirits of darkness will only recognize the power and authority (which is the nature) that accompanies the NAME OF JESUS. This NAME is not enshrined in a system, doctrine, external influences, church organization or men’s ideas, but in righteousness, truth and holiness, because He is Saviour – the giver of inspiration. This living stone rejected of men, but to God’s elect, precious. See 1st Peter 2:4-5. All who are enjoined to this LIFE become lively stones, building up the spiritual house, each stone maintaining its proper relationship to the other, permanently connected with Christ, furnishing a habitation for God. Great and wonderful mystery – Praise God. A branch connected to the vine will bring forth fruit of its kind (of the vine).

Where two or three are gathered together in His name (NATURE), He is there in the MIDST to bless and to do THEM GOOD. Praise God it is TWO OR THREE – it does not have to be a large congregation with all the trappings of organization, just two and three gathered IN HIS NATURE. The grounds for the blessing therefore is basically:


Christ is identified with the Church – HE IS HEAD, and must be recognized as such. He is the vine; we are the branches. See John 15:1.

This dynamic power, working through submitted vessels, produces the impossible: revealing to us and renewing in us the lost image and likeness of God, being in us that all-sufficient source of PURITY AND POWER.

Christ is not content to be represented by His people in words; He wants to reign in and be Himself in His people. God has given man the capacity to rise far beyond the limits of his own individuality.

When we gather together in HIS NATURE, He is in the midst to BLESS AND DO US GOOD. He expresses Himself when there is submission to His Nature.

Mavis duCille: On Divine Providence (2)

Should God withdraw outward prosperity from His people, and hardships are experienced, there is still a sense in which He is doing good.

Divine Providence is always working THAT WHICH IS GOOD. Being afflicted yields correction for subsequent benefit, and is an exercise in strength, faith, patience, obedience and endurance. Anything that drives man closer to God is for good, therefore, temporary distresses work for the Christian an eternal weight of glory. The ungratifying circumstances can be numbered among God’s good gifts, and the expression of His beneficence if rightly used to lasting profit.

Jacob’s divisive thinking was changed from vanity to profit, through Divine Providence. He is a God of present help, present power, present refuge. Jacob or no other could have thought out that plan for present help – Divine Providence took care of it all, and Jacob must have rejoiced in such a deliverance from a plotting, scheming mind, into the mind of one who could rightly be called Prince of God (Israel). This brought him into the place of a more personal experience with God, thus the expression – THE GOD OF JACOB (the God that Jacob experienced – the God of power and might).

Jesus Christ, our Providence, does not only see ahead, but watches over His people. He has a concentrated attention that extends to every place and circumstance, seeing into the minutest as also the largest situations, caring for the smallest as well as the greatest, watching over the affairs of men (their success and failure, even the most insignificant things), protecting and caring in every way.

Divine Providence has a restricting and preventing hand. Though man may be allowed to cherish and manifest his evil desires, it causes him to either hate and despise the evil, or through God’s providence, submit his will to be united with God’s will in the operation of righteousness, or love and embrace evil to his own destruction.

God is in perfect control of good and evil, yet every man is free, but justice must be meted out to the rebellious and mercy for all who seek mercy.

Divine Providence secures moral order in the world, a power to discourage vice and encourage virtue. The circumstances that govern man from birth (environmental, etc.) are not humanly controlled, and man, being a creature of choice, is able through Divine Providence (God’s intervention) to escape destruction or whatever is determined against him. God is directly involved with His creation, and will always allow particular events to work His perfect will – whether it be in working virtue in, or evil out of us.

Rejoice therefore, and let the circumstances work in us that which nothing else could do. Circumstances change things for good or evil, but God’s intervention will always cause that change to be FOR GOOD.

Mavis duCille: On Divine Providence (1)

Some weeks ago, I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with a verse of scripture in my heart – Philippians 4:19.

“But my God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory…”

On receiving this scripture, the first thought that came to my mind was in the natural. “Oh yes,” I thought, “God is going to supply physical and financial needs.” Soon, however, the Lord opened my understanding to realize that the greatest need today is that we may KNOW HIM, in His acts and ways. Yes, we stumble and falter and are discouraged, because we are not acquainted with His ways and His dealings with His creatures.

Surely, He provides for our physical needs, but sometimes He uses methods that cause us to be built up in faith and virtue. When these dealings are set in motion, the flesh or carnal nature (because of lack of knowledge) rises up and rebels and then breaks. Divine Providence is that which slays the MAN, so that the CHRIST might live and be exalted in our lives. He knows the ingredients and proportions necessary to do the job, but also, how we scream and squirm when the knife of circumstances begins to cut away the flesh. Sometimes we are unaware of the fact that “…it works the peaceable fruit of righteousness.”

God’s Providence proclaims His wisdom – beyond man’s knowledge and experience. No other could form the correct plan for man to gain the desired results.

HIS POWER: God alone has the ability to exercise authority impartially – He sustains the world.

On many occasions, Divine Intervention shows His power in miraculous deeds of deliverance. His mighty hand and outstretched arm, by which He brought His people out of Egypt, is still mighty and outstretched in our time. He showed His power over the power of Pharaoh, and now He has given us POWER OVER THE POWER OP THE ENEMY. No matter what your battle might be at this time, God has given you power through Divine Providence over that strong thing which oppresses you. REACH OUT AND LAY HOLD OF THAT POWER RIGHT NOW, AND THE GOD OF PROVIDENCE SHALL SET YOU FREE.

HIS GLORY: His wealth, splendor and honor – we are His product in righteousness through grace – we are His Glory, being His workmanship.

HIS PRESENTATION: Divine Providence presents God’s nature to mankind, that His Glory may fill THE TEMPLE. The temple must be emptied of all ugliness, that it might be filled with His Glory, which sometimes is like taking the bitter herbs, which the Israelites had to eat with the roasted lamb.

HIS GOODNESS: He is honorable, admirable and worthy. Oh, the beneficence of God extending far beyond what we ask or think. One writer says “God is morally perfect and gloriously generous.” This is a very apt description of His goodness. Maintaining the thought that GOD IS GOOD is a sustaining factor throughout our walk and experience with God. What God does, creates, commands, gives and allows is done through His goodness, always mindful of Creation and His creatures. Thus, all things can work together for good – seeing, He through Divine Providence can cause what was intended for evil to work good, though sometimes after much cutting of the flesh. Total trust and total obedience is absolutely necessary as God deals with us, seeing His ways are past finding out, BUT one thing is sure, it works for our good to them that love Him. “If you love me, keep my commandments.” LOVE therefore is fulfilled in trust and obedience.

Mavis duCille: On Redeeming The Time

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:16.

Over the years the Lord, from time to time, drops little nuggets into my heart, which are always of great blessing as I press on in Him. Many times they throw greater light on a subject, and sometimes are just words of encouragement.

We are aware that the word of God has dimensions: Ephesians 3:18 speaks of the “breadth and length, and depth, and height.”

The Lord spoke to my heart on “redeeming the time” found in Ephesians 5:16, not at all in the same sense I once understood it, but from the standpoint of reclaiming that which we have lost through decadence of the age – “because the days are evil.”

God is calling a people who will not conform to the decay of the age and the falling away from righteousness, but will take another look at the PLUMBLINE and fall in line with Him instead of with the world style.

There is a current of passivity, laxity and sheer ennui sweeping through the halls of Christianity in this hour, which will engulf all those whose eyes are not fixed on the righteousness which Jesus established in HIS CHURCH.

“The kingdom of God is… RIGHTEOUSNESS, and PEACE, AND JOY in the Holy Ghost.” Romans 14:17.

The world has invaded Christendom, thus the striking evidence of spiritual pollution: deceived with empty words.

May God help us to redeem the time, restoring true holiness and righteousness in our whole life. Notwithstanding the fact that there is a price to pay, God has given us grace in abundance.

The exhortation of the whole chapter is that we be imitators of Christ as beloved children: walk in love as Christ loved us, turn from immorality, impurity, etc. “No… man… who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Ephesians 5:5.

Let us walk as children of light, for the fruit of light is found in all those who are good and right and true. Light makes everything visible. Praise God!

In every age, God has raised up those who will hear and obey Him, thus redeeming their time. There was Noah in his time, Enoch in his, Elijah and Elisha, John the Baptist, then Jesus came. He paid the supreme price – made such a restoration, bringing redemption – this second Adam. He had perfect command over the fish of the sea, trees of the field, sickness and diseases, and established a generation – the 42nd generation (Matthew 1:17) – making us sons of God, begotten by Jesus Christ, bringing man into union with Himself and the Father. See John 14:23, 17:21, James 1:18.

Let us, therefore, look carefully how we walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, REDEEMING THE TIME. Be not caught in the evil of our day, but draw from the Spirit that nature of God, seeking to know the will of the Father. Then out of our hearts and lives will flow the richest blessings to others. “Thou canst not then be false to any man” (Shakespeare).

The greatest weapon Satan uses against God’s people is division.

We praise God, that as we submit to the working of the Spirit with us, our corruptible nature is being changed from death to life. Finally we will emerge in His likeness, that when He appears we shall be like Him