God created the earth with intent that His Spirit will govern it. Hence, He made Adam who was to manager it in His own image—fashioning him after His likeness by fellowshipping with him in the Garden of Eden. As a loving and caring Father, He observed, having already known, that Adam needed help to fulfill his responsibilities to care for His earth and to love and worship Him. Being a Father of all providence, He created Eve from Adam seeing that nothing else He previously brought to him could help and satisfy him because they were not his kind or equal.
God Created Them Male and Female
The male and female were created with their individual and joint responsibilities to God and to each other. To examine this important topic of their roles, I intend to avoid treating it with circumstantial lenses which obscure’s God’s perspective.
When Adam woke up from His deep slumber after God had finished surgery on him to give him the suitable help needed, he was perfectly pleased with the image of God he saw in Eve. At last, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone—his kind or equal! A person to share the communion and love he has learnt from God. One with whom to care for God’s earth!
To Love is to Protect
Eventually, Adam (the male) failed to lovingly protect Eve (the female). When he noticed that Eve had been deceived, sinned and failed in her responsibility to God, he did not call out to God on her behalf rather he partook Gen 3:6. But, when God inquired of him about what they had done, he accused and attempted to abandon her to be punished alone Gen 3:9 & 12. The recognition that he is one flesh with Eve as he used his own mouth to confess to God made no meaning to him in the moment of accountability Gen 2:23. He did not understand the truth that God came to him and not to Eve for the inquiry because he had failed in his responsibility to Him and Eve. The male has kept failing in his responsibilities since then. Hence, irresponsibility is a major male disease till date.
The Perfect Man
God’s original plan always stands. He does not make it up as He goes along like mere mortals. Therefore, He sent another Adam to His earth. This second Adam (Jesus) is a male and out of Him, God has created another female (the church). The male has to get it right! And to do that, he needs help and submission from the female. He is first (head or senior) to the female. So, must love, protect and care for her while she must love, submit and help Him make the Father glad by being one with the male in love, worship and caring for God’s earth.
For the perfect man to be born, the female is needed because she is not inferior—She is His body. She has her role and the male his. In the natural, the female bears and nurtures a baby. Males do not have this glory though, in Christ, there is neither male nor female. The female serves with her womb.
Jesus, the perfect Man, came as a baby, grew and taught the male and female how to love, worship and serve God. The female as His body is growing to His stature as a man-child. From that backdrop, the component of His body (males and females) must love and serve each other. Christ came to restore all things as they were in the beginning—showing mankind where God was taking them in His likeness. While it covers all aspect of man’s existence, as said earlier, I will focus on the relationship of the male and female in their roles to God and to each other which have produced two schools of thought—the egalitarians and the complementarians.
Egalitarianism doubtless, is a concept which has evolved based on the experiences of man—that is post fall. As such, its interpretations are hugely circumstantial though sometimes plausible. Man’s pleasurable and painful experiences have made man evolve in his modus operandi thereby creating cultures and conventions. But, these are inferior to the culture God has already laid down for man to walk in Eph 2:10. God’s ways must dictate the path for man and not the opposite. For this reason, I will delve into complementarianism which captures scriptures or the pre fall perspective that governed Eve and Adam, women and men of the faith in the Old Testament and the early church.
Scripture perspective
Before looking at the scriptures, it is to be noted that the subject deals with males and females as opposed to husbands and wives though it’s included. Its specific implications in the context of marriage will be examined in a different post.
The scriptures portray Jesus’ practice and teaching as complementarian and at His ascension, He sealed it by giving the ministry gifts only to the males Eph 4:11. The proof that verse 11 of Ephesians 4, is limited to the males is given in Luke 6:13. Though His disciples were men and women, when He wanted to choose, he chose males for these responsibilities—and it had nothing to do with superiority of males over females because both are perfectly equal in every sense Joel 2:29, Acts 2:18. However, males and females bear different functions e.g., males produce Y chromosomes and females produce X chromosomes— neither have the glory of the other. This is beyond cultural bias or evolution. Whether males actually produce the Y chromosome and the females the X, is not relevant to the truth that God designed each for that function. But, when they do, they glorify God by fulfilling His purpose on the earth Gen 1:28. Selah!
Though Eve was inside Adam when God created him, like twins, the male came first—so, by design, the male is senior to the female 1 Tim 2:13. Again, God made sure that the first offspring of the first male and the female He created produced a male Gen 4:1. This circle completed the principle of two or three witnesses.
Seniority of the male over the female:
The male (Adam) first had fellowship with God, learnt what it means to love Him, worship and service or care for God’s earth.
The male was given the privilege to name the animals Gen 2:19
The male named the woman Gen 2:23.
For the time Adam was lonely and desiring his kind or equal as he saw that other things God created had their kinds, he was not deceived 1 Tim 2:14.
The woman was deceived 2 Cor 11:3 and then, both sinned.
In the New Testament, the major time God spoke to the female in preference to the male was related to the service of her womb—that is, the birthing of His body as a baby Luke 1:26-32, whose foundation is established upon the doctrines of the Apostles and Prophets. This foundation is to equip the church (the female) to mature to the full stature of Christ. This ministry of Christ is given to the males. For this reason, there was no mention of any female with any of the ministry gifts in NT except Anna the Prophetess. But, she is from the old regime which was a shadow already giving way for the reality of the things of God. As such, nothing was ever mentioned of her again after God used her and Simeon as witnesses to confirm the baby Jesus as the redeemer to the people in the temple.
So, while males and females are co-equals with respect to all of lives endeavors, the responsibilities of His body as it relates to the ministry gifts and eldership (different from spiritual gifts), is given to the males.
In 1 Tim 3:2 & 12 and Titus 1:6, Paul amplifies the practice and teaching of complementarian living among the people of God. Showing clearly that eldership is for males not because they are superior or any better than the females but, upon God’s design or pattern 1 Tim 2:13. I have tried to re-render these passages to read as, “Wife of one husband” in order to accommodate modern trend but, its screaming, “funny, funny! This may be the reason those bent on distorting the word of God and producing funny versions of the bible have not changed the rendition of these passages at least for now, till the image of the beast come to its full measure in those that are anti-Christ.
Post fall (Cultural) Effect
The fall of man (Adam and Eve) disfigured their minds! Males and females suffer for it in their unique ways— everything meant to bless and work for them rebel against them including beasts of the fields and nature. The corrupt nature man (males and females) acquired produces its greatest effect through their minds that seeks to rule and dominate each other and even tries to control God their creator.
The twisted mind of males now looks down on the woman with wickedness and exploitation—with fear and suspicion. Being afraid she will usurp him because usurping exists in his mind. The woman, having lost godliness, sees the male she is suppose to help as a weakling, deceiver and a traitor that must be challenged and fought against! Because males and females are equals, they have proved the worst rebels and enemies to each other! Till man returns to honoring God, the situation shall remain so—the male who is fittest, that is, by means of fleshly strength, will continue to win to his detriment because winning the one (woman) who is specifically designed and equipped to help him is not winning at all rather is losing immensely.
The fall affected the woman in a way that makes her fail to recognize the type of glory God gave her and as such, she competes for an inferior glory (inferior glory in the sense that glory is attached to assigned responsibility). If any person performs a task outside of their assignment, though it appears they do it excellently, there will be no crown available to the person.
So, the woman has become an epitome of rebellion such that, the spirit Jezebel (a rebellious spirit) is named after the female. A spirit that opposes anything God and male fiercely! And the male, having failed woefully before God and the woman, seeks to reclaim his long lost glory by his own selfish way which refuses to acknowledge the glory of God and that of the woman. Both males and females fail to understand that each other’s glory is not necessarily superior to the other but rather, is God’s design to create complementary roles— each being champions in their responsibilities. The glory of the man and woman shines only when the source of ALL GLORIES (Christ) is flowing through them.
Males must be regenerated (baptized into Christ) by faith through His grace and, learn submission to Him. That way, their irresponsibility will pass away with their Old nature—giving room for Christ to flow through them. Any man Christ flows through, will without fighting, discharge his duties to God, the woman and creation. Also, any female who wants to enjoy her glory from God, must be baptized into Christ (born again-regenerated) and Christ will flow through her helping her to fulfil her duties to God, help the males and care for His creation. For emphasis, we’re dealing with male and female not husbands and wives.
The wrong notion that for the male to love, cherish and protect the woman and for the female to love, submit and help the male includes sex or marriage is another myth distorting the subject. To dismiss these myths, the bible calls for the males and females to abide by Eph 5:1,2,21 and 1 Cor 13:4-7 which applies to all married or not. Mutual submission is advocated among believers married or not, male or female for the sake of Christ Who dwells in each individual’s heart Eph 5:17-21. Married or not, males and females have responsibilities to love Christ, submitting to Him and in same way, love and submit to each other.
Let the male not become a female neither should the female become a male. The wisdom and grace of God will keep His Church even in this disfigured world. May the males in Christ grow in loving and submitting to the female that she may be greatly blessed and may the females in Christ grow in loving, helping and submitting to the males that they may be greatly blessed.
The last days speak about the early days—simply put, they reveal what has been or concealed in the early days Eccl 1:9-10, Luke 12:2-3NLT. For this reason, the last days are no different from the early days except, that the force of evil that has been working undercurrent is now working overtly with such onslaught and affecting people which hitherto, it had not gained power over. This is creating a visible rampant evil on a scale that will keep astounding man.
In these times, the mountain of the Lord’s house (the Spirit of Christ in His body) will be exalted above all mountains (the devil and the prophet he uses to deceive) and the hills (devils) Isaiah 2:2. Why? Well, God loves man and the evils of the devil do not affect Him. So, His light shines ever brighter in darkness to give light and life to those crying out for light. It’s a time, when the song below will be a daily cry of His body.
We place you on the highest place For you are the great High Priest We place you far above all else, all else; And we come to you And worship at your feet
Manifest evil
The deadly forces that saturate the atmosphere seeking abode in bodies (temples) will create inability to love and perpetuate love on the earth. It will be extremely difficult to love because man is fast approaching his (man) fullness. Man’s love is not in God! Actually, the love man has in himself is evil. If given room; it exhibits Gal 5:19-21, Col 3:5-9NLT which are the fruits of devils. The only way to deal with it is to put it to death. A summary of the things to put to death are; desire for power, money and sex. But, the problem is this; these three things are what man lives his life for on earth. Man cannot, without transformation, live any differently.
So, who will help man with this transformation that will change man’s heart and consequently his lifestyle from being governed by these three monstrous evil forces? Obviously, it is not religion, which has failed woefully not to talk of its politics. Yet, we are expressly told that the mountain of God (the Creator of the world and mankind will be exalted in the midst of the earth). How?
We find the answer in the prophecy in Psalm 85:10-11NKJV. Because of the awesome grace of God, the salvation of God has come near to all who fear or reverence God. What does it mean to reverence God? It is not to turn to folly because the foolish always say in their heart, “there is no God” meaning, there is no love. And when man assures himself that there is no love, man becomes deadly.
Let’s think of it, when man believes that his fellow man hates him and is plotting his destruction, his next natural instinct is to destroy his fellow man first. This is what the end times are all about—time when man has seen it all—that man is full of evil. Senseless murder has characterized the experience of man. Hypocrisy is at its apex with all religions Luke 12:1. Religion itself has increasingly become a weapon not just for mass destruction but also, used secretly by religions to lure one another towards destructive behavior as to appear better than one another. It all boils down to the devil and the prophet he uses to deceive man to live for—power, money and sex (a striving after wind).
To reverence God is to have love. What or Who is love? Love is the Spirit of God, the Spirit that works in the Truth. The Truth which, transforms or germinates righteousness (God’s will) or its fruit in the earth Gal 5:22-24.
In 2 Tim 3:1-5, the Spirit of the Creator—that is, the Holy Spirit says, “many a man will love everything except God” paraphrased. Verse 5 is remarkable, note what it says, “having a form of reverence for God or, a seemingly love but not God’s kind” paraphrased. When man lives for power, money and sex, he defends himself by saying, “we must not let our lives waste, and we must make success out of it”. To make “success”, is more important than seeking “good success or possessing the soul” (Luke 21:19NLT, Mark 8:36) so, if pursuing “good success” challenges, “our making it here and now”, to be wise, we choose the “now success or possessing the world” which we can see with our eyes, feel and touch. That is to say, sensuality is better and more real than God (Love).
Therefore, the mountain of God is causing the Lord’s house (body of Christ or the remnant of God) by miraculous deliverance to see God as more real and better than sensuality. This is the mount that God says, “He will exalt above other mountains”. In these last days, the remnant or the body of Christ (not church organizations), will live in mercy and truth, in righteousness and peace which is coming down from heaven because of the slain Lamb. The Lamb of God that sprung from the earth or resurrected is drawing all peoples irrespective of race, religion, power, economic or sexual orientation to Himself. What is being said is this, it is time for man to abandon who he is (hater of God) and truly accept the gift God has offered for man and is still offering to man.
Man is increasingly seeing God as the one to blame for mankind woes. So then, we want to take control of Him and control Him. That isn’t going to happen! We (man), must humble ourselves before the almighty or we die!
The end times or last days is a time man is brought to a high awareness that he is not in control of the world and the world cannot satisfy man. All the wars man has ever fought and will ever fight has not and will not compare to that which is ongoing now more than ever before in the realms of the spirit.
So, God is shinning His light ever brighter that it might attract and lead YOU and I to His secret pavilion. All who refuse His pavilion will grow in the pursuit of power, money and sex unavoidably. It does not mean anyone person will be swallowed by all three, though it is a possibility but, the Spirit expressly says in 1 Tim 3:1 & 4 that, “those will be lovers of self and haters of God” paraphrased.
We are in a time when the love of many is waxing cold!! Love is being reciprocated with senseless and rampant evil. How to please man has become a puzzle! Evil is sincerely seen as good and good as evil. Man’s focus for progress has seized him so much so that he doesn’t care about the source from which it is achieved.
Anything or person who gives progress, advancement, moving forward, maintains man’s reputation or helps him stay on his high horse becomes the god who deserves man’s worship.
If you and I examine ourselves to discover what consumes our thoughts in the day and at night, we’ll immediately discover if gods or God is the person we’re with. Those with God, their mind is increasingly set on eternal things while using earthly things (because they are not of the world John 17:16) while those with gods, their minds are increasing set on the earth so much, even when eternal things come to their minds, it is examined as to how it could be used to accomplish the earthy (because they are of the world John 8:23) See Rom 8:5.
Those who worship in spirit and truth (those with God) are increasingly finding grace to love their spouse against all odds as God commanded while those being caught with the merciless deadly spirit of the time are increasingly hating their spouse and thinking to break their vows to God. Those who hate their spouses or even their enemies hate the bride of Christ. Those who truly love Christ’s bride can love their enemies and spouses—it is easier by far! For, with the spirit nothing is impossible. It enables those He indwells to do all things Heb 4:16, Luke 1:37.
These last days are times when men who truly have God will take on women as wives, show them the love of Christ, cherish and care for them as Christ cares for His bride. And, women who truly have Christ will take on men as husbands showing them Christ’s love, submission and help. We are speaking about sincere intimacy in marriage which glorifies God. An intimacy learnt from that which we have with Christ.
The end time war is a battle of love. Will you love self, things, the devil or God? It is only through loving God that man can learn to submit self (Matt 22:37, Rom 12:1-2), use things properly and proportionately seeing them as only temporary. When the gospel is proclaimed, it ALWAYS orders God’s scale of preference rightly no matter the topic taught. See 1 Cor 15: 1-58.
If you harbor bitterness for anyone with or without a reason, now is the time to save your life— repent and forgive, being as wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove (Phil 2:12). Don’t do lovely things to authenticate your love rather, let the love in your heart authenticate the lovely things you do (1 Cor 13:3).
We are in a time when praise and worship will completely cease to be an invocation and turn to entertainment. A time when the uncompromisingly righteous will remain so and the lovers of self will rather die than repent. Therefore, let no one deceive you with false alerts of peace.
Many anti-Christs are with us now. The sign is this, false teachers and prophets who ALWAYS reverse the order of God’s scale of preference are now reigning. They can’t help but to prophesy lies no matter how hard they try because the devil ensures it. They entice the saints saying, “rise up now, we’re going to take over this present world and reign as governors, heads of leading industries, become millionaires and billionaires, heads of states (not presidents since no one will elect them and their world-wide congregation are not big enough to give them majority vote). They say, don’t let your dream die the death, you’re destined for greatness! Pluck peace to yourself! Meanwhile, they don’t understand the meaning of destiny and the people who are earnestly wanting to pluck greatness and peace grossly lack any INTIMACY with the Great I Am neither do they seek diligently the Prince of peace who gives peace in the heart, in the home and in His ministry in the lives of those He assigns to take His great words and peace to the world. When God speaks to His house, He turns His people’s heart away from these distractions.
Anyone who is in darkness is being held captive by the devil wrongly because the price for your freedom has been paid by Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Therefore, cry out loud to Him for help and you shall be saved Matt 4:16-17. The end times are times when all nations, peoples of all religions are to abandon graven images and flow to Him (the Spirit of Christ).
Is Christ alive in you?! Is His measure growing in you?! The end time is a time of fanning! Let the degree of glory to which the Spirit of Christ has worked in and brought you to radiate His presence inviting those you go to and those that come to you to think upon Christ Jesus 2 Cor 3:18, Luke 9:6, Acts 28:23-24, 4:12.
Get ready to go to those God will send you to to preach the gospel and be prepared to receive those that God is drawing to Christ who need to hear His words that will convince them to believe in Christ and receive true regeneration.
Beautiful times has come to man on the earth in the midst of gross darkness and God’s wrath will soon follow. Therefore, every man must escape to the pavilion of God on their knees, set their hearts to meditation on the word of God and obedience to His word to love Him and fellow men.
Many well-intentioned young vibrant men and women have been misled to hold unhealthy ambition that makes them partisan, attached to their camp and pay blind allegiance to leading champions of their lopsided theology or movements in order to gain recognition and promotion within their sphere of influence. This is regrettable!
The game is this; “serve” but (who?) and then you will qualify to be given opportunity (by who?) in order to lead within the sphere of people under their sway. This evil done in the name of protecting God’s sheep is rampant within large and small gatherings.
Our gracious God is watching and laughing at this craftiness and poor wisdom invented for churchy life. His word to us is this; “repent for everything must be judged by My justice. Fear me again with sincerity!” 1 Samuel 16:7, Hebrews 4:12-13. Rather, be “a no-body” than get involved in the religious politics of this present world that is raging like a wild fire amongst those who nickname their “theological camps” in direct disregard to God’s admonition via Paul and the other Apostles.
The wisdom of religious politics is not good for the gospel of Christ, advancing in the wisdom of how to call a spade an agricultural implement is no wisdom. It does not come from above, at best, it is from selfish ambition and past hurt experiences. Those who practice this kind of wisdom will keep hurting innocent people like the Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, chief priests etc, who were so sleek in manipulative oppression against their followers and the disciples of Jesus. Those who indulge in it will not be guiltless Luke 17:1-2, Phil 1:10.
The presumed “I am working for the gospel” that makes man compete with Christ for the soul of men is the gospel of the anti-Christ.
From the foundation of the earth, God has never intended for man to have rule or dominion over man and, that is the reason He did not want His people in the Old Testament to have kings and still does not in the New Testament.
The desire in man to rule man no matter how good intentioned is devilish. God gifted Lucifer that he may use the gift to arouse praise in himself and the heavenly beings specifically to worship and serve Him (God) the only one true God. But, through pride, he desired to rule over man so that man will worship him but to do that, he must contend with God.
In the same way, every gift (spiritual and physical) God gives to man is meant to be used to arouse the bearer of the gift and others to submit, reverence, worship and serve God alone as their only king and ruler.
But, the nature of the devil man acquired through the fall makes man want to rule, be worshiped and served by his fellow man. Anyone (pagan or Christian) who desires worship from man will contend with God even when using the gift he or she received from God. This is why, God calls on man to die to self-life.
The refusal to die to self-life, is the reason we have a lot of renowned “excellent bible teachers”, crowd pulling, miracle workers, charismatic leaders who are “helping” Jesus build an earthly Kingdom in this age. He has not ask them to because when He first came to establish the foundation of the kind of kingdom He wanted, He did it IN the heart of men in preparation for the new earth yet to come.
Anyone in the true gospel understands well that, the word “lead” in the New Testament means to serve not rule. This is the reason God requires that the sheep who wants to serve His sheep must first show they have submitted themselves to the divine rulership of God. Put more accurately, that they participate in His divine nature through Christ by the help of the Holy Spirit and anyone who does, never lays claim to God’s sheep.
When the devil fails to capture the soul of a man he does not give up rather, he attempts to share it with God. Again, this same evil plagues man. Man, also tries to share man’s loyalty to God with God when he fails to get a soul to totally worship him. This is why many people fail to understand Paul’s statement that, he is an Apostle to the Corinthians and not that, he is their Apostle like many claim today of being the Pastor, Apostle, Prophet and Teacher of another Christian or Church.
Unfortunately, we live in an era when majority of believers (gospel people) give higher priority to reading books by “excellent teachers” than the bible and to depend on its teacher (Holy Spirit) like the Bereans. May be, in their opinion, the Holy Spirit is a less excellent teacher. As a result of this appalling anomaly, all kinds of occult and new age teachings (myths) are masquerading as the gospel of Christ.
Dear friend, what kind of gospel do you have and preach? Consider!
God’s way or gospel is in conflict with the gospel of the devil which is not a gospel but a lie. This battle between the gospel of Christ and the gospel of the anti-Christ is raging in the hearts of man and is fiercer than any war man has ever fought with physical weapons or will ever fight.
But, Praise be to God as we see the resurrection power of the gospel in us, swallow up the false gospel that confronts us daily; He is helping us live graciously in the midst of mercilessness, live a forgiving life in the midst of unforgiveness, do justice in the midst of injustice, live in love in the midst of wickedness.
Praying consistently, working hard and enduring much are all geared specifically/singularly to point the unbelievers to Jesus and encourage God’s sheep to devote themselves to Jesus and not to ourselves- that, they may worship and reverence God and Him alone. Hopefully that is your testimony!
At the end, godliness will culminate to love and love to godliness; the two, shall be married Rev 19:7-10. They inevitably live and shall live forever in the same place 1 John2:17. The true gospel deals with our tree (heart) and is budding good FRUIT Matt 7:17
Also, mercilessness, unforgiveness, injustice, and wickedness originate together, live and shall live inevitably together forever in the same place Rev 19:20, 20:10, Rev 21:8 NLT. The false gospel also deals with the tree (heart) and is budding evil fruit.
No man can stop his tree (heart) from producing its kind of fruit (deeds). No amount of self-pruning (adjustment of character) can be helpful. Every tree on the earth is under pressure to forcefully yield it’s kind of fruit (good or evil fruit).
The only salvation from the undeniable approaching axe on all trees on the earth is found only in Christ Jesus Rev 3:10, Acts 4:12.
Every tree (heart) in Christ has the gospel and the exhortation and admonition of the scriptures is this: Hold on to the gospel to the end. Keep on shining and pointing the blind to the good Shepherd.
The exhortation and admonition to persevere in the gospel is relevant because the devil will attempt as is his nature and mission to continue to blind the world that they may not see the true way or light of the gospel of Jesus on the one hand and on the other hand, derail the people who are in the way (gospel).
We need to hold tenuously to the scriptures and have very low regards to philosophy. Things of faith towards God are simple and certain and must not be abandoned for philosophies that are uncertain Col 2:8, Jude 1:3.
God does not want His Life in His people to rest on empty human philosophies but on the old rugged cross and the wisdom taught by the Holy Spirit.
Philosophy is the reason deviation happens and that is how the spirit of the anti-Christ enters a gospel person or people.
The devil blinds the world by his gospel of lies which the Apostles of Christ by His Spirit described as another gospel. Anyone who has the gospel of Christ but, embraces “another gospel”, that individual part of the body will stand the danger of apostasy- falling away, being cut off from the book of life (Christ) because a branch MUST abide in the Vine to live.
The dangerous and wicked doctrine of once saved ever saved is “another gospel”! The danger of false gospel is this: it gives no grace and it robs from believers the grace (power) of God that helps keep believers eyes on Christ.
Can A Branch (part of His body) Be Truly Cut Off
Let us read 1 Tim 3:6, notice the following points: -A person to be appointed as an elder must not:
Be a new convert- by implication, must be a convert at the least.
Then it says, “He may become puffed up” this clearly shows that a convert can be tempted to be puffed up and actually succumbs to temptation.
It further says, “And falls into the condemnation of the devil” indicating the judgment the devil received from God for his sin of pride and, the effect of the judgment was separation from God. This assertion is correct because the devil can only accuse converts or believers but he has no power to condemn a believer.
Look at Matt 3:10, and note, that the axe is laid on the root of the trees. Axe represents judgment and trees typify hearts. Judgment is neither good nor bad word. It is the outcome of judgment that can result to it favoring one person and serving as a disadvantage to another person.
The result of the axe is undeniably associated with the kind of fruit the tree has produced. So, the fruit of any tree is a judgment already on the tree.
Rom 8:1, tells us that there is presently no condemnation on them who are in Christ. The term IN CHRIST signifies those who have, not just received Christ but are abiding in Him Matt 11:30, Luke 9:62.
The abiding in Him is equivalent to walking in the Spirit, who produces the good fruit Gal 5:22. Please note, the term; “the fruit of the Spirit” is an emphasis that the Spirit produces fruit where ever it resides no matter the circumstance Jer 17:8.
The statement “there is therefore now no condemnation” in Rom 8:1 is a judgment on its own because Christ has changed the tree into a good tree (good heart) by regeneration which is making it bear good fruit.
It is the Spirit in the believer’s that produces the fruit and not the believer’s power to keep the law Eph 2:8. Because a believer is saved by grace (God’s Spirit) and not the keeping of the law, he/she must keep or stay his or her mind or eyes on Christ which is the meaning of, to abide in Christ Heb 12:2.
So, “the abiding” is actually “looking to” rather than doing something. It is the looking to or relying on the Spirit of Christ that causes us to avoid insisting on our own ways when the Holy Spirit graciously persuades us directly and indirectly through another believer and very importantly the Church (body of believers).
Having said the above, it is wise we remind ourselves that a believer who fellowships on the internet but has no local assembly of believers he or she gathers regularly with is creating his or her own way! The danger is extremely huge though it may not be apparent at the immediate. I am certainly not knocking internet fellowship- it’s a great resource and I am all for it but, it must not replace the clear pattern in Acts of the Apostles.
In Rom 6:1-9, Paul, indicates unequivocally that grace makes the people of God bear fruit inspite of any constrain they may face. For example, in this case, they were in lack- yet they gave generously from the little they had. So, lack could not stop the Spirit in them from bearing the fruit of generosity.
If the Holy Spirit has revealed to you that tithing deviates from the doctrine of grace and as such, is a false teaching, I hope He has also revealed to you that not giving (being generous) is sin- evil fruit!
Grace makes anyone who has it to bear the fruit of heaven!
The Spirit dwells in heaven and is on the earth (in man) to produce the same fruit (love) as it is in heaven Matt 6:10. This is why Christians (those in Christ) are already heavenly citizens.
God’s Spirit on the earth is not hovering aimlessly like the demons but, He has residence in His people purchased by Emmanuel’s Blood. Are you one of those housing God? If yes, the scripture invites you to meditate on this mystery day and night, “….. Christ in you, the hope of glory” Col 1:27.
Meditate daily on Matt 22:37-40, 2 Tim 2:15 KJV, Acts 17:11, Col 3:16— the result is amazing!
The question everyone needs to answer for him or herself is this; what kind of fruit is my heart producing? If it is good, then I am walking in the Spirit or abiding in Christ but if it is bad, then I am in the flesh. And, no one in the flesh has grace, walking in the Spirit or abiding in Christ.
So, the focus should be the tree not the fruit because the type of tree we have determines the type of fruit you and I see daily in our lives.
The truth is this- there is only one remedy and surely it is not feeling guilty but, being contrite and broken (repentance) Matt 12:33, Psalm 51:17.
Feeling guilty has never been and will never be an option to remedy our state of falling short of the gospel because guilt leads to shame and shame drives man far away from a loving Father Gen 3:8.
Thank you for reading through “The falling away” series. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and sustain you by His grace in the gospel. Amen.