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Exhortation to the heart 2

This rich exhortation that grows the weak and stabilizes the matured is taken from, “Rooted and Grounded” by T. Austin-Sparks.

And the remnant… shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. (Isaiah 37:31)

The Lord must have something which cannot be carried away, which cannot be removed, cannot be shaken, and certainly something which cannot be rooted up. That is His remnant. That, He must have for His own glory, and, that being so, He will take every measure with His remnant to have them after that kind, with roots downward. Of course, unto fruit upward. We speak much about the upward side of things, life in the heavenlies, sitting in the heavenlies, and our warfare and work – the fruitfulness of our life in union with the Lord. That is only possible as our roots are downward. In order that that might be so, we have to get into a place of unshakeableness where the roots have got such a grip that nothing can overthrow. And I believe that explains a very great deal of what the Lord is doing with His own spiritual people in these days.

It is true that the true children of God are going through a time of intense trial and testing spiritually in these days; everywhere it is so. Why? Because the Lord must have something against which hell is impotent and by which He demonstrates to the universe that strength of His might which causes to stand and withstand, and having done all to stand. If one were asked what the last issue for the Church in this age is, I would say that it stands, and that is saying a tremendous thing. Oh, you say, that is surely limiting things, are you not expecting much more than that? Progress, advance, sweeping movements? The Church will have all its work cut out in the end to stand, but its standing will be its victory. Just to be able, through testing, trial, when everything is blowing round you like a blizzard; when everything is dark, mysterious, and even God seems far away and unreal, and faith is tested and you are being assailed on the right hand and on the left , and there is every reason outwardly for your moving, giving up, falling down, surrendering, lowering your standard, just to stand and not be moved in your faith is the greatest possible victory….

We are passing through deep experiences, the enemy is doing it and the Lord is not preventing him, but we are coming to a fuller knowledge of the power of our God and a deeper rooting beyond all previous shakeableness. And the Lord is seeking to have a people who cannot be shaken, against whom hell with all its demonstration of arrogance and pride, is impotent. “And the remnant… shall again take root downward.” That is what the Lord needs.


Exhortation to the Heart

This rich exhortation is from “God Hath Spoken” by T. Austin-Sparks

God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)

The principle of the New Covenant is a first-hand individual revelation of Christ as the knowledge of God in terms of glory in the heart of the believer. Every individual believer only comes into true Christianity by a revelation of Christ in his or her heart, so that the knowledge of Christ is all their own, and as real as when God commanded light to shine in darkness. But that is not all. That shining must be progressive. Christ is far too vast to be seen in more than minute degrees at any one time.

The bulk of the New Testament is taken up with getting Christians to see what an immense realm it is into which they have come, and how they must go on… Christianity can only be kept living and fresh and full of impact as Christians are living in an ever-growing apprehension of Christ as the Holy Spirit reveals Him in the heart.

This apprehension may only come as necessity is laid upon us by reason of suffering and trial. Capacity will increase by the stretching of suffering (see Hebrews 12, and read “child-training” for “chastening”). There is no succession in Christianity other than that of the revelation of Christ to the heart by the Holy Spirit. It is not a system to be perpetuated, but a Life to be possessed. The value of the Scriptures is that they contain depths and fullnesses which have never yet been fathomed; and when we speak of “revelation” we do not mean anything extra to them, but of that which is in them, but only known by the inward “writing” and “shining” of the Holy Spirit…. A thing can be in the Bible, and we can have read it a thousand times, but until the Holy Spirit makes it Life to us it will be unfruitful. Hence, there is a place and need for an inward revelation of the Word of God, and this is the only true succession.

Nothing can be preserved alive through generations save as every one entering its realm does so on the basis of such a personal, inward, living, and growing revelation of the truth, so that the origin and beginning is constantly repeated in experience.


Jealousy for God

An excerpt from Jealousy for God by T. Austin-Sparks:

I have told you all this so that you may find your peace in Me. You will find trouble in the world – but, never lose heart, I have conquered the world! (John 16:33 Phillips)

When the spiritual stands to confront the merely formal, traditional, nominal and “natural,” then there is going to be trouble. This is not now merely the reaction from the world: it is the reaction from religion. I would go further, and say it may be the reaction from Christianity. There is a very great difference between formal, traditional, nominal, “natural” Christianity, on the one side, and spiritual Christianity, on the other; a great deal of difference. So much so, that this also becomes a battlefield – the battlefield of a lot of trouble.

Leave formalism alone, and everything will go on quite quietly. Leave traditionalism alone – that is, the set order of things as it has always been; that framework of things as it has been constituted and set up and established by man; that Christianity which is the fixed, accepted system of things – and you will escape a great deal of trouble. But seek to bring in a truly spiritual order of things, and trouble arises at once. And YOU are the trouble maker! The truth is that the trouble lies in the existing condition, the situation, the state; but it is only brought out by your action.

And so spiritual men and women, and spiritual ministry, are called “trouble makers,” because the two things cannot go on together. That is where Israel was. They had the traditions, they had the oracles, they had the ordinances, they had the testimonies; they had the forms, they had the system – they had it all; but, in the days of the prophets, there was ever this vast gap between the “externals” and “internals” of life in relation with God. The heart is far removed from the lips. The spiritual reality is not found in the formal. You may have it all – but then bring in the truly spiritual meaning of things, and trouble begins in that very realm. It is the trouble which arises when what is external and traditional comes into conflict with something which is truly spiritual.


Thou hast lacked nothing

This excerpt from “Beauty for Ashes Part 5” is written by George H. Warnock–a beloved brother in Christ. Exposing how self centeredness led to wrong expression of emotions which eventually led the children of God to idolatry (worship of things and the enemy of their God and their souls). This holds a lesson for us today, as we seek a simple and truthful walk with God.

Quail Instead of Manna

The people of God were on their way to Canaan. Even in their much murmuring and complaining God had been faithfully making every provision for them: manna from heaven that provided absolutely every nutrient that they needed for physical health and strength. Water out of the Rock… pure and fresh, and so mingled with the life of God that it was called “spiritual drink”. The Cloud of His presence overshadowed them by day and by night. Briefly stated, Moses declared:

“Thou hast lacked nothing”. But they got tired of it all. The vision of Canaan became something far-out and strange. This precious food God gave them became something they loathed. It didn’t satisfy their fleshly appetites anymore. It didn’t seem to fill them up. (We have dealt with all this at some length in the writing “Beauty For Ashes Part II – A Way Through The Wilderness“).

They complained to Moses, and Moses told God about it… and God said “I will send them flesh to satisfy the lusts of their hearts… I will send so much of it they will not know how to handle it”. What a strong warning to us in this day! If we forsake the vision of those “far-out” fruits of Canaan land, and continue crying out for temporal blessings… God might listen to our cries! God sent them so much fleshly blessing it seemed to fall like rain from the sky,–but it was a blessing that became a curse. The prophet Malachi said, “If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart… I will curse your blessings” (Mal. 2:2).

Even while God was blessing them and answering their prayers, they were “sinning against Him” “provoking Him”… “Tempting Him”… “Speaking against Him”… “Limiting Him”. (See Psa. 78). I know God is blessing His people today in copious showers everywhere. But in many cases there are resentments and murmurings against God and man, hard-feelings, unforgiving attitudes of the heart. And perhaps most of this stems from lack of vision for the true riches. The deeper life that comes in abiding union with Christ is set at naught for the enjoyment of temporary blessings that soon wither away.

In the morning God “rained” manna on them from heaven. And at eventide He “rained” flesh on them by an east wind, (In the scriptures the “east wind” speaks of blight, and drought, and judgment). And while He was answering their prayer His anger was kindled against them.

He “opened the doors of heaven, and had rained down manna upon them… He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls as the sand of the sea” (Psa. 78:21-27). It wasn’t something the Devil sent. God sent it… because they insisted they were starving to death with that loathsome manna. Actually they were never so healthy in their lives. There was not one “feeble one among them” as they walked with God, and partook of His provision with thankful hearts. The leanness they thought they had, kept them in good health and strength. They thought they were too “lean” by eating the manna; but when they ate the quail, God “sent leanness into their soul” (Psa. 106:15).

Notice this very awesome fact: While they were chewing on the food that God sent them, “The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them” (Psa. 78:31).

Now if all this sounds strange and perplexing it is because we do not understand Gods righteous judgments. We can see an enactment of this same story right in our midst today. Once again in the midst of the Church we have “a mixed multitude” who have “mixed desires” (See Num. 11:4). We better seek the Lord earnestly that He would purge from our hearts every desire that is not from Him. Because if we want God, but want carnal blessings along with it,–God may send the manna in the morning, and the quail in the evening. “Purge our hearts, Lord, from evil desire, that we might delight ourselves only in Thee.”

What did Moses the prophet of God mean by telling His people that they have “lacked nothing”!? Was He lying? Because, the people were still in the wilderness not in a posh neighborhood, didn’t have houses, their children were not in schools that will guarantee their earthly futures, didn’t own chariots (admirable cars), the girls available for the boys to marry and vice versa didn’t have bright future, their husbands and wives were not doing so well like those of other nations etc. These are the things that had the highest priority in their hearts and not having them, created excessive bother to them, made them hurt, sad, sorrowful, bitter and jealous and then, rebellious against God’s servants, murmur, and eventually lead them to idolatry.

If the same lust for things hidden in their hearts is in our own hearts, in the time of exposing what is in the heart (time of testing) why would we think it wouldn’t lead us to end the same way they ended except for the few who knew what the faith was really meant for. Which is, to worship, edify His people and teach pagans to accept the God of Israel and stop crisis crossing the earth for cucumber which lasts only for a season!

If we have Christ indeed, we lack nothing! All the blessings God can give to us to prove He loves us and that we belong to Him is Christ in our spirit and soul. Christians who realize this truth enjoy this present life while it lasts through every circumstance (rich or poor not withstanding). If you’re a minister of the gospel, don’t let the graveyard preach this truth more than you do!  For it will be a shame to you! Selah!


Mavis duCille: Be Strong in the Lord

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Ephesians 6:10.

For several weeks, these words kept ringing in my heart, so one day I decided to see what enlightenment the Lord had in store. It seems clear on reading from verse one to the end of the chapter that these are walking truths or instructions for our daily lives – a paragon by which our attitudes can be shaped or measured.

First, children are exhorted to obey parents, then wives to submit to husbands, then parents not to provoke their children, but treat them with love. James 1:20 says “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of GOD,” therefore; whatsoever is done in anger cannot produce fruit of righteousness. Masters, treat your slaves kindly; for us it would be employers treat your employees kindly. Slaves, be subject to your masters, or employees be subject to your employer, as unto Christ.

The marital status in our society has deteriorated tremendously from “love and cherish, honor and obey” to hate and ill-treat, disrespect and disregard. Children are rebellious, instead of being obedient to parents who gave them life; parents abuse instead of loving and nurturing their children. Masters or employers cheat and exploit servants and employees, while employees do not give full measure or faithful service – we could go on and on.

These manifestations, however, are signs of the times: the Word enjoins us to “…redeem the time for the days are evil.” See Ephesians 5:16.

People of God! It is time for the world to see that having Jesus Christ in our hearts makes a difference in every area of our lives. The Holy Spirit is willing and ready to guide every facet of our lives if we are willing to let go of our soulishness – using our own mind, emotions, will and desires instead of seeking the will of the Lord. We should desire to be guided by the Holy Spirit in all matters pertaining to our home, work and all other involvements. THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD and we are always under His watchful eye.

Verse 10, “Finally, my brethren, be STRONG…” When believers walk carelessly, they are robbed of the strength and authority that is within the Holy Spirit. “I give unto you power over all the power of the enemy.” This is conditional to obedience to the Spirit of Christ. If a battery has a leak, then it loses power. When Christians do things contrary to righteousness, they are submitting to another spirit which drains their power and divests them of their authority through the Holy Ghost, with little or no overcoming.

It is not enough to say “JESUS IS LORD.” We have to MAKE Him Lord and King over every detail of our daily lives. There are battles being waged in the heavenlies over us, and the people of God must have the victory. We are exercised first in small things. “If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?” Jeremiah 12:5.

Ephesians 6:1-9 seems to point out a few possible weaknesses in our everyday living and how to overcome them, so that we might “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” It is a ***walk of the Spirit. The verses after 10 tell us how we can be STRONG and overcome, having the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith which quenches the fiery darts of the enemy, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, our loins girded with truth and our feet shod with the PREPARATION of the Gospel of peace.

The armour described above is not for lying down; it is for STANDING. It is not for sitting idly by; it is for fighting. It covers the head, the forehead, and the back of the neck – the helmet of salvation. The mind is protected by our salvation – He gives us the Spirit of a sound Mind.

The shield of faith is a defensive weapon to turn back the lightning bolts which the enemies sometime throw at us. Righteousness is a breastplate of the Spirit. That which misses the shield, and is not parried by the sword, is turned away by the breastplate. The sword is the only offensive weapon in our armory. The power of the spoken Word is far beyond what we can, at this time, imagine. The Word says that “He spoke” and it was done. The words of our mouth have the power of life and death. Let us keep the Word of God in our hearts and on our lips. Loins girded with truth will help us to stand upright, and feet shod with that special mixture or preparation of the Gospel of peace will help us not only to walk but to run the race with patience.

Be not afraid of the roaring of the lion, for the power of His might is greater than that of the roaring lion. Like Daniel, let us say “…my God whom I serve continually shall deliver me.”