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Mavis duCille: In His Name

In these days, there is so much strife and division among people that there has been the need to cry out, “Lord, how can these things be?”

The natural, physical body functions beautifully and perfectly, without any single part being against the other. This physical body is a type of the Spiritual Body, therefore, there must be a perfect function of the Body of Christ.

God divides and separates through the working of the Spirit – good from evil, light from darknesss, righteousness from unrighteousness – so that His people can be free from all the works of the enemy, and be separated unto Him in Holiness and Righteousness – PRAISE GOD.

God, the giver of understanding, has been unveiling the mystery.

Deliverance from every situation is in HIS NAME – not name as label on someone or something, but HIS NAME which is HIS NATURE. That nature is love, peace, submission, etc. Whatsoever we ask in His Name.

So many times, believers come together and leave undelivered and unblessed – frustrated and discouraged, not having received from the Lord that which has been promised. The reason is that something is wrong with the gathering or the gathered; it was not in HIS NATURE. There may be unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness, malice, strife, guile, cunning craftiness, and such things that are contrary to the NATURE of Christ. It is like having flies in the ointment. Clean hands and a pure heart is that acceptable offering before God. Remember, God looks at the inner being. He sees light or darkness. Forgiveness and cleansing through the atonement sanctifies the vessel, making way for the greatest blessings.

God cannot bless while the contrary nature is encouraged in the soul. All the sacrifices and necessary preparations were made in the Outer Court so the services of the tabernacle would not be hindered in any way, hence the needs of the people were met. When Israel made the perfect sacrifice, God was pleased and they were blessed to the fullest. Their enemies could not stand before them; they had complete victory in all areas. When they transgressed, they fell prey to their enemies, even to the bondage of slavery.

The fruits of the flesh (anger, wrath, malice, strife, envy, bitterness, etc.) are all works of the evil one, works of darkness – where Satan presides as lord. When we therefore entertain these, we fall into the realm of darkness where Satan has power over us. We only have power in Christ; we have no power in darkness.

“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with ALL malice: And be ye Kind one to another, TENDERHEARTED, FORGIVING one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath FORGIVEN YOU.” Ephesians 4:31-32.

There should be no place given to the devil, or he will take advantage of every opportunity to rob and destroy.

PRAISE GOD. WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS, because God made available to us, His People, every necessary piece of armament to insure us the victory.

His active presence can be experienced in the fullness of His revealed character. His NAME is linked with His righteousness, faithfulness, holiness, goodness, mercy, love, truth, etc. – that is His NAME. Since the assembling of believers forms the basis for spiritual unity with Christ, for participation of His bounties and viewing of His Sovereignty, believers must, through the divine power, rise from the lower realm (which is the opposite and contrary nature) to partake of that DIVINE NATURE.

God will not share His Glory. There must be a rejecting of one nature in order to receive the other nature. Self takes the place of Christ in the soul – the more self is rejected and cast out, the more of Christ we can have.

Times without number in the scriptures, this principle is seen in operation of someone calling on the name of the Lord:


Elijah had faith in God; he knew God’s divine purpose. It was a time when Israel should halt no longer between two opinions: they had to make a decision between God and Baal. Though there were four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, Elijah knew His God whom he served. Baal was stilled before the Almighty. God answered not only by consuming Elijah’s sacrifice with fire, but licked up all the water that was poured onto the sacrifice and the very stones also. PRAISE GOD.

There is record of priests going to offer sacrifice in disobedience and rebellion – they were consumed.

Some went to cast out devils – instead the devils turned on them and tore them.

The spirits of darkness will only recognize the power and authority (which is the nature) that accompanies the NAME OF JESUS. This NAME is not enshrined in a system, doctrine, external influences, church organization or men’s ideas, but in righteousness, truth and holiness, because He is Saviour – the giver of inspiration. This living stone rejected of men, but to God’s elect, precious. See 1st Peter 2:4-5. All who are enjoined to this LIFE become lively stones, building up the spiritual house, each stone maintaining its proper relationship to the other, permanently connected with Christ, furnishing a habitation for God. Great and wonderful mystery – Praise God. A branch connected to the vine will bring forth fruit of its kind (of the vine).

Where two or three are gathered together in His name (NATURE), He is there in the MIDST to bless and to do THEM GOOD. Praise God it is TWO OR THREE – it does not have to be a large congregation with all the trappings of organization, just two and three gathered IN HIS NATURE. The grounds for the blessing therefore is basically:


Christ is identified with the Church – HE IS HEAD, and must be recognized as such. He is the vine; we are the branches. See John 15:1.

This dynamic power, working through submitted vessels, produces the impossible: revealing to us and renewing in us the lost image and likeness of God, being in us that all-sufficient source of PURITY AND POWER.

Christ is not content to be represented by His people in words; He wants to reign in and be Himself in His people. God has given man the capacity to rise far beyond the limits of his own individuality.

When we gather together in HIS NATURE, He is in the midst to BLESS AND DO US GOOD. He expresses Himself when there is submission to His Nature.

The Battle


There are so many battles going on in the earth today — battles between continents, nations, families, religions and individuals. It’s getting more intense than ever before and destroying countless human lives. The financial strain and stress like other hash afflictions is biting deeper into the center of the heart of MANY and expressing itself in their negative worldview.

Sufferings are revealing the type of treasure hidden in the heart of all human beings (Matt 12:35). It has power to disunite one’s heart— no wonder, David screamed “unite my heart to fear your name” (Ps 86:11) — this should be our cry to the Lord today.

Suffering stirs battles within the human mind. And the battle of the end times is predicted by scripture to be fiercer within the soul of those who profess Christ because, evil spirits whose end is destruction by God has come.

There has never been any time in the history of the Church that carnal minded men have swayed the people of God as much as in these times we live in. The present depressing news in the world is awakening man to the fact that we are not really in control of the world as we childishly think often times. If you are in Christ, you are blessed because you have a lively hope but please be careful that no one exploits your seeking after God to make prey of you.

Chalatants have gone out to deceive many! But as always, God clearly calls His sheep to hear, love and follow Him above all other things when His word is properly trumpeted.

Praise God for the weapon He has given all who take refuge in Christ Jesus Eph 6:10-14, 2 Cor 6:7, 10:4. The time to display openly for all to see and know that Jesus Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Lord of lords, King of kings and Prince of peace has come closer than ever before and as such, the branches that abide in Him are going to yield all their fruit to full measure and those that abide not are going to be bundled in preparation to be burnt. Indeed, creation will see not only the glory of God which is Christ but also the manifestation that God truly delivered His remnants as sons.

Will God speak and will He not bring to pass all He has spoken Matt 5:18.

1 Timothy 4:1, clarifies that wickedness will be wide spread because of the activities of demon spirits in people’s souls and their love will grow cold towards God. This unfortunate situation will prepare the soul of many to yield a full measure of evil that represents the image of the beast (2 Tim 3:2-8). At the time these activities intensifies to its apex, many more will respond in reaction to the image of the beast and fall prey because they took their eyes (heart, soul and body) away from the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus who is the author and finisher of His stature in the sons of God.

Looking Unto Jesus Still
Let’s look at Heb 12:2, we notice the admonition to presently and continuously fix our eyes on Jesus.

First point is this: If before now you looked up to anything in addition to Christ, take away the addition and now look only to Jesus.

Second point: Identify and acknowledge that our Faith speaks of the salvation and redemption God has given us and is giving in Christ and not some tool for visualizing and claiming things.

Third point: Identify and acknowledge that there is a JOY that accompanies our salvation enjoyed only dimly now but has an immeasurable measure awaiting those who will overcome.

Fourth point: Identify, acknowledge and participate in enduring the cross (yoke-burden) of Christ which involves a lot of shame. It entails valuing the things that are not as if they are! It involves living well and strong in the kingdom of God that is not apparent.

Finally, it means trusting only in Jesus as the author (giver) and finisher (completer) of this great and wonderful salvation.

Exhibiting Christ Stature
It will increasingly become difficult to exhibit the character, image or stature of Christ in this end time when the image of the beast (spirit and life of Satan) will be more rampantly expressed especially among those whom it was least expected as those professing Christ. Because of this falling away, it will cause greater temptation to others if they fail to depend on the Holy Spirit Who leads us to the throne of grace to pray.

Let us turn our attention intently to Jude chapter 1 while keeping in mind the exhortation in (Heb 12:2). In Jude 1:21a, we read these heartwarming words “Keep yourselves in the love of God” this statement quickly calls to mind the exhortation and admonition in 1 John 4:7-8, which is the greatest description and expression of who God is in character, image or stature. And that is the sum total of who God want His Son’s (Christ) bride- YOU and I to be.

How Do We Keep Constant in the Love of God?
Again we read in Jude 1:21b, -wait, waiting, awaiting or looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reading that takes the mind to the invitation of the Holy Spirit in (Heb 4:16). Jude makes it clear that it is not just a futuristic call but a call to be practiced as a life style now. This Life style of waiting in season and out of season is in anticipation of the mercy of Jesus. Heb 4:16 tells us that this only occurs at the throne of grace where our High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek has already prevailed for us (THE CHURCH). Therefore, the persuasion of the Spirit that we pray at all times and under all circumstances without ceasing makes more sense to those who are yielding to the admonition to keep oneself in the love of God. The revelation that mercy and grace is the mechanism that sustains in the love of God should make us reach out to the grace room of God through individual and corporate prayers more now than ever before.

We see David described as a man after God’s own heart proclaiming and speaking to his own soul in Ps 62:5 “my expectation or hope is in you alone”– what hope could he be speaking about but the hope of his salvation (Ps 62:1) which is now this gift we are enjoying in Christ Jesus our Lord to whom be praise forever more. Amen

The Spirit exhorts the body of Christ with wise counsel in Isaiah 40:31 and Rev 12:14 amplifies the truth that God who have loved and promised to save a remnant to Himself will do it without fail. But we must wait in the place of His grace that we may not fall short of it because its what ensures our possession of eternal life in Christ.

Expressing His love in this intensifying Evil Times
Making our calling and election sure: Will you and I obey the following scripture in
Galatians 6:10a, “as we have opportunity”. This will mean as the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus instructs you and I to do good to anyone in diverse occasions. We are not under the law of commandments of sin and death. So, we are not bound by expectations of others and their conception of wrong and right but the Holy Spirit guides and instructs all who are in Christ by the written word in the bible.

Galatians 6:10b, “Do good to all men” includes without excuses our enemies (Matt 5:44).

Galatians 6:10c, “and especially to those of the household of faith”. Household of faith is not speaking of those who belong to our denominational firms. It means all those who are in Christ and walk in Christ expressing the life of Christ in holy living and love. It means those with whom we fellowship in spirit and truth (1 John 1:7). Therefore, if the Lord establishes that someone is His child in our hearts, we must not discriminate against him or her because they don’t camp with us (Mark 9:38-40)

Let us conclude by hearing our Lord Himself exhort us. To do that, we turn to (Mark 9:49-50) and it reads “For everyone will be tested with fire. Salt is good for seasoning, but if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”

The gift of our salvation is not a cheap oneJesus paid the price. Salt (The life of Christ in man) was given because Jesus Christ paid the price. Salt cannot make its self salty therefore; persevere in your saltiness wherein you have been salted. Let NO ONE deceive you with empty philosophy. Evil communication (hearkening to false doctrine) deteriorates and removes the saltiness of the salt.

We are in the time when men will look back (turn against Christ) because they have squirrel eyes instead of the single eye that looks forward unto Jesus alone. As the Lord is with all His precious ones at these times, may the precious ones increase in desire to be with Him always (Luke 9:62, Deut 6:5)


Jerry Gadwa: Let This Mind Be In You (1)

There is a lust in the nature of man to please and satisfy himself. Yet, sad to say, one will measure the level of his success by the response of others. This produces many, many illnesses, for, usually, self is not satisfied until it gets its desired response from others who have their own expectations in mind. What a vicious circle! It is no wonder why so many say, “It is a dog-eat-dog world. Get all you can. I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine.” In this, we ought to clearly see the spirit of this world in direct opposition to the spirit of the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is impossible for man to admit to this problem, unless he truly has a love to be free from it. Even freedom from it then is not attainable, unless there is a heartfelt love for the fellowship of the sufferings of Christ. He who seeks to save his life shall lose it. In such a walk it is needful, in this sense, for one to be in opposition to all that is of self.

After we do all we can do in an attempt to live the Christian life, we must face the reality that we are not able to. We must lose our life to gain eternal life. It is at the point of desperation for more of Christ that we see the futility of our own ways.

Today, we see so many thousands of “Christians” busy working for the Lord. Even the world admires what they term to be the sacrifice of their life for this or that “good cause.” Yet, even in all of our business for God, there often remains something very deep within our souls that is left untouched. The sad story is that many have served their whole life FOR the Lord, and gone to the grave never having done the works that are OF the Lord. There is a vast difference.

It is said of so many that this one or that one is really used of the Lord. Or better seen, yet when one dies after years of service, you hear many say how he or she was really used of the Lord. There is no question that many of these people were of those who loved the Lord. To be used of the Lord does not speak of intimacy with Him.

In the mind of man, there is very often a desire to do for God and help Him out. The problem with this mind is that the believer, very often, is the one who decides how to go about helping God out. Such a one determines the approval or disapproval of the Lord upon his labors by the means which men measure success. The acceptance or rejection of others is very important when self is alive and well. I am certain that most believers live in this mind from time to time, if not all of the time.

Here we are faced with a tremendous challenge. That is: I can work hard and help God out, or I can surrender to Him and allow His mind to be in me, in order that His Kingdom come in earth as it is in Heaven. Only the anointing which comes in the mind of Christ knows the things that are pleasing to the Father.

The reason that we so often fight against the mind of Christ is because it is not a mind that seeks the glory and acceptance of man. (This includes self-acceptance). This mind needs no approval from men and it diminishes self. All of our personality traits — the things which we and others enjoy so much about us — is in jeopardy when the mind of Christ is at work.

It is no wonder why we have an entire age where Christians find no pleasure in the cross of Christ, but only in singing about resurrection victory, while living a life which differs not from the world. This also explains why we have an entire church age which longs to be entertained. It cheers them to live on with no cost on their part, all under the guise of Christianity.


God instructs us from his word by His spirit so that we may be successful in righteousness.
The righteousness that God values for eternal life is the one He has imputed on all who believe, follow, obey and suffer with Jesus Christ.

The imputed righteousness can not be improved upon.  God calls on everyone He has gifted with righteousness  to love Christ His only Son whom he scarified to bring the gift of salvation to all  He fore-knew and predestined to conform to the image (personage) of Christ Jesus.

This whole journey of salvation starts as a gift and will end only as a gift.

Wise people search out the cost of a gift and value it  not only for the cost but for the love it expresses from the giver.

God is seeking for those who will search for the cost of salvation and value it not just for the sake of its sacrificial cost but also for the love He has extend to all whom He has granted this salvation gift.

It is said that wise people treasure gifts.

The word treasure, connotes  in many ways an understanding  and a preservation of value in addition to its’ futuristic benefit. The wise treasure gifts as they concern themselves with the futuristic benefit without losing sight of the immediate value of  its cost and the inherent love it expresses.

The bible loudly tells us that the word of God is able to make us wise (2 Tim 3:15).

All who will be wise must be humble to go to the bible to  search out the cost of salvation for themselves, spend day and night searching the scripture and the Teacher whom God has authorized to guide all who are diligent to search will not fail to indeed guide and guard into all truth (Josh 1:8, John 16:13, 10:27 & 3)

Jesus said the expression of valuing his sacrifice (death and resurrection) and His Father’s love  is to return love and obedience to Him and to the Father by listening to the Holy Spirit and depending only on His grace (John 14:15, Rom 8:5, Gal 5:25 & 1 Cor 15:10).

The Holy Spirit is the voice of God to his people on earth today like Jesus was the voice to His people when He was physically  on the earth two thousand years ago. Now, the Holy Spirit works in our hearts as a law of the spirit of life telling us what not to do but more importantly what to do. He breaths on the word of God empowering life to us unlike the law of sin and death that instructs us but doesn’t empower us so leaves us life-less (Rom 8:1-4).

Now, mercy and truth has merged together in the One who has brought us salvation and redemption even Christ Jesus to whom all praise be for ever in all eternity.

Brother James tells us that he whom the Holy Spirit instructs on what to do,  should do it else it becomes sin to the person though a written code may not have been broken ( Jam 4:17)

We are set free from the law of sin and death not to be lawless rather we’re set at liberty to obey joyfully with all perseverance the law of the spirit of life that shines light on the path of all that God has called and elected for his glorious kingdom.

Therefore, all who love the Lord and his commandments constantly cry in the secret and in the open, ” Lord, let your kingdom come and let your will be done on earth (in me) as it is in Heaven.” Amen.


The Power of Grace

In this era of so much talk about grace, to painstakingly examine the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus to avoid falling for cheap grace is commendable. The grace for which Jesus Christ died to bring to mankind, when embraced guides gently to the fulfillment of the law of the spirit of life James 4:17. This grace is powerful, merciful, forgiving, and full of love and truth. It teaches us to DENY and FORSAKE evil ways and HELPS us to WALK in accordance with God’s righteousness that is imputed to us Titus 2:11-12 & Rom 5:17.

The Wheat and Weed must of necessity grow together but Wheat will remain Wheat and Weed cannot become Wheat. Those that hear the voice of the spirit in the pages of scriptures and obey the Lord’s voice and those who do not hear, cannot agree as they do not see and get the same instruction though they GROW together. The reapers (God’s Angels) must be left to take care of that complex matter at the appropriate time ordained by God.

If hearing God’s voice consistently fails to activate grace to obey and do his command John 10:4 & 27, we better question ourselves in the light of the parable of the WHEAT and WEED in Matt13:24-30. The scripture tells us that; it’s God that helps us to will and to DO his good pleasure Phil 2:13 & Rom 10:17. It is imperative that we spend time studying the bible which holds the scriptures (God’s infallible words Ps 12:6) and particularly the book of Romans.

It is important to note that men like Abraham, Moses, Samuel, Paul, Peter, the early church (ecclesia) and all who have ever walked with God had personal encounter with him. They heard his voice, learnt his voice and obeyed the command of his voice John 10:27. Those who are just following the voice of man and the letter of the law alone never get the unction to DO his will. They end up with the stranger and are deceived John 10:5 and 2Cor 3:6.

Paul, clarifies this by saying, it’s ONLY those that are lead by the Spirit of God that are the sons of God Rom 8:14. Hearing God activates grace in our lives that enables us to obey him. This is not to say that we obey him once we hear his voice but an emphasis that his voice carries more than sufficient grace to lead us to obey him if we truly are his and love him. The following scriptures confirm what the word or voice of God does to those who hear it.

I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me Ps 119:93.
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you John 15:3.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful… Heb 4:12.

Our response to the effect of God’s word should be to love Him. And the admonition from Jesus is, “if ye love me, keep my commandments” John14:15.

The book of Romans is one of those books in the bible that most powerfully challenges us to obey the voice of the Holy Spirit that lives in us (his temple); that Christ’s life might flow out of us enabling us to please God, praise and worship him acceptably. The result is that we become a blessing to all peoples while reconciling the lost to God through the gospel alone and for the course of Christ and their well being.

This season like all other times calls for us to set aside our many fine books that talk about God and study the bible thoroughly with open and sincere heart because in it is life John 5:39. Joshua 1:8 and 2 Tim 2:15, shows that the reason for studying is for us to first learn and obey God within the context of what we read. Then as He presents opportunity for us, we share accurately his very words and not our fine ideas 2 Tim 2:15.

Given the multiplicity of teachers and their books these days, the danger of listening to them more than personally studying the bible and hearing God is so high. Our personal study of scriptures should far outweigh the time we spend listening to others and reading good books about God Deut 17:19.

Please note that my emphasis is on more of personal study and not that we should stop reading carefully selected books and listening to the ministry of teaching that God himself has set in the body of Christ along with other ministries to bring the unity of the faith among the saints of God till we all come to the full measure of the stature of Christ.
I am not against books.

It has helped some to become millionaires and their claims, is that they have invested it into spreading the gospel. Let’s praise God anyhow. But no book(s) are needed to support the bible rather, all the books that has been written and yet to be written, need the bible to support them. On this premise, it will be unwise to say we need those books to aid us to understand the bible. This belief certainly has and will open more doors for heresy (teachings originating from the human mind and anti Christ spirits) that is already ravaging the community of faith.

We are saved by God’s power (grace) and walk godly only by his power (grace). But, as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name John 1:12. So when we accept Jesus Christ, what comes into us is Power (grace).
And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace John 1:16. So, grace can be received in varying measure Eph 4:13.

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing John 15:5. Let’s note “apart from me” that is the power or grace 1Cor 1:24.

To disdain grace is to disregard Christ. Misusing grace for a cloak to defend our weaknesses or sin is to say Christ does encourage us to disobey the father. It’s pretty serious I will say.

God is not ashamed about our weaknesses but challenges us to depend on his grace that we may through it be made strong. He is not frightened off by our sin(s) but abounds more of his grace to us that we may overcome them to the praise of his holy name Heb12:1, 1 John 1:9 & Rev2:5.

God’s sovereignty is more than complex for human mind. It’s only our regenerated spirit that can handle it. Paul explaining this complex issue of God’s sovereignty simply went back to Exodus 33:19 as quoted in Rom 9:15. He further nailed it home in Rom 9:16.
So God’s sovereignty does not concern us Rom 9:20. It is for his exclusive use and not ours. We can refer to it but cannot attempt to use it for ourselves in any way. Our call is to depend on God’s grace which he has given and willing to give more if we are willing to receive it.

I am always challenged in new ways to learn that; to whom more grace is given, more obedience is required; more of loving God and every others human being but especially fellow believers. Simply put consistent increase and steadfastness in the fruit of the spirit is to be seen not preached 1Cor 2:4.

The bitter-sweet about grace is that it only increases as the need arises.
Needs like, when we choose to fulfill God’s purpose through our calling, increase in sin around us or attacking us, persecution, suffering, depression, distress, sickness, lack, loneliness, demonic attacks, bereavement, failure, disappointment, false accusations, imprisonment, childlessness, reproach etc., Remaining faithful, Persevering and trusting the Lord in the face of all that, yields multiplication of God’s grace and increase the fruit of the spirit in our lives 2 Cor12:10, James1:3 & John 15:5.

Peter’s conclusion is that we will never fall if we depend and use the grace of God in us (2 Pet 1:10). And if we fall even seven times (completely), we will rise up 1 John 2:1 & Prov 24:16. This is sign of a WHEAT. It’s the Lord’s own plant. It cannot continue in sin because its nature hates sin though sin may sometimes enjoy short lived win(s) Rom 7:21-25. Anyone who is not distressed when they have sinned and therefore runs to God is not a participant of God’s grace at all. God’s grace is so sweet and inviting that anyone who ever gets a taste of it, will rather give up their life than lose it. It’s like the precious pearl that a man finds and gives up all he has in exchange for it Heb 4:16, Ps 34:8 & Ps 63:3.

Paul’s Apostolic warning is reverberating for the twenty first century followers of Christ; see to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God;…. Heb 12:15.

The question is why is it reverberating?

The following will surely include in the answer.
(a) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come 2 Tim 3:1. Perilous means dangerously difficult times.

(b) Many have failed to obtain the grace of God therefore root of bitterness has sprang up and many are defiled. Prayer and fasting cannot stop it. Offends come because of lack of grace and the scriptures says clearly offends will surely come. The point is this; we ALL need increase of God’s grace to escape the coming onslaught. Praise God….. Praise God! His grace is more than sufficient to those that find it. For those who find it, there remains a rest for them in God’s kingdom Heb 4:1 and 9.

Before anyone gets too righteous, let each man examine his heart and call upon God to examine us if bitterness is anywhere near our heart before it takes its ugly root 1Cor 10:12 & Ps 139:23-24. Judgment starts in God’s temple (our hearts). If you judge yourself, you will not be judged 1Cor 11:31. He that judges himself repents often before the Lord and enjoys clear conscience which God values much.

The grace of God works through the fear of the Lord which produce wisdom. No wonder our Lord Jesus Christ is full of grace and wisdom. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise Ps 51:17. For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite Isa 57:15.

Paul the Apostle in Heb 6:9 gave a profane exhortation as a master builder to cushion a real danger that result from despising the grace of God. We must latch onto that word of encouragement without losing site of Heb 6:4-8 that necessitated Heb 6:9. In fact, verses 4-8 should make us persevere on the grace of God with all of our heart individually and collectively as saints of the most High God. Galatians 5:4 further amplifies Heb 6:6.The fact that someone who has once enjoyed God’s grace can fall away from grace is all the more reason to take it seriously, treasure it and use it for our own good and the good of others.

Our privilege in God is incomprehensible. This unfathomable love makes us want to shout the Lord’s praise hysterically and become even more undignified than this as a song writer puts it.

May the Lord deliver us from self approval, secret love from our friends and cause a revival of his fear in our hearts. And may grace be multiplied to the body of Christ at this time that the royal priesthood may be obedient to the Faith and bring praise, honour and glory to the lord’s name in all the earth 1 Peter 2:9. Amen.