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The Falling Away: Follow the Gospel

Many well-intentioned young vibrant men and women have been misled to hold unhealthy ambition that makes them partisan, attached to their camp and pay blind allegiance to leading champions of their lopsided theology or movements in order to gain recognition and promotion within their sphere of influence. This is regrettable!

The game is this; “serve” but (who?) and then you will qualify to be given opportunity (by who?) in order to lead within the sphere of people under their sway. This evil done in the name of protecting God’s sheep is rampant within large and small gatherings.

Our gracious God is watching and laughing at this craftiness and poor wisdom invented for churchy life. His word to us is this; “repent for everything must be judged by My justice. Fear me again with sincerity!” 1 Samuel 16:7, Hebrews 4:12-13. Rather, be “a no-body” than get involved in the religious politics of this present world that is raging like a wild fire amongst those who nickname their “theological camps” in direct disregard to God’s admonition via Paul and the other Apostles.

The wisdom of religious politics is not good for the gospel of Christ, advancing in the wisdom of how to call a spade an agricultural implement is no wisdom. It does not come from above, at best, it is from selfish ambition and past hurt experiences. Those who practice this kind of wisdom will keep hurting innocent people like the Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, chief priests etc, who were so sleek in manipulative oppression against their followers and the disciples of Jesus. Those who indulge in it will not be guiltless Luke 17:1-2, Phil 1:10.

The presumed “I am working for the gospel” that makes man compete with Christ for the soul of men is the gospel of the anti-Christ.

From the foundation of the earth, God has never intended for man to have rule or dominion over man and, that is the reason He did not want His people in the Old Testament to have kings and still does not in the New Testament.

The desire in man to rule man no matter how good intentioned is devilish. God gifted Lucifer that he may use the gift to arouse praise in himself and the heavenly beings specifically to worship and serve Him (God) the only one true God. But, through pride, he desired to rule over man so that man will worship him but to do that, he must contend with God.

In the same way, every gift (spiritual and physical) God gives to man is meant to be used to arouse the bearer of the gift and others to submit, reverence, worship and serve God alone as their only king and ruler.

But, the nature of the devil man acquired through the fall makes man want to rule, be worshiped and served by his fellow man. Anyone (pagan or Christian) who desires worship from man will contend with God even when using the gift he or she received from God. This is why, God calls on man to die to self-life.

The refusal to die to self-life, is the reason we have a lot of renowned “excellent bible teachers”, crowd pulling, miracle workers, charismatic leaders who are “helping” Jesus build an earthly Kingdom in this age. He has not ask them to because when He first came to establish the foundation of the kind of kingdom He wanted, He did it IN the heart of men in preparation for the new earth yet to come.

Anyone in the true gospel understands well that, the word “lead” in the New Testament means to serve not rule. This is the reason God requires that the sheep who wants to serve His sheep must first show they have submitted themselves to the divine rulership of God. Put more accurately, that they participate in His divine nature through Christ by the help of the Holy Spirit and anyone who does, never lays claim to God’s sheep.

When the devil fails to capture the soul of a man he does not give up rather, he attempts to share it with God. Again, this same evil plagues man. Man, also tries to share man’s loyalty to God with God when he fails to get a soul to totally worship him. This is why many people fail to understand Paul’s statement that, he is an Apostle to the Corinthians and not that, he is their Apostle like many claim today of being the Pastor, Apostle, Prophet and Teacher of another Christian or Church.

Unfortunately, we live in an era when majority of believers (gospel people) give higher priority to reading books by “excellent teachers” than the bible and to depend on its teacher (Holy Spirit) like the Bereans. May be, in their opinion, the Holy Spirit is a less excellent teacher. As a result of this appalling anomaly, all kinds of occult and new age teachings (myths) are masquerading as the gospel of Christ.

Dear friend, what kind of gospel do you have and preach? Consider!

God’s way or gospel is in conflict with the gospel of the devil which is not a gospel but a lie. This battle between the gospel of Christ and the gospel of the anti-Christ is raging in the hearts of man and is fiercer than any war man has ever fought with physical weapons or will ever fight.

But, Praise be to God as we see the resurrection power of the gospel in us, swallow up the false gospel that confronts us daily; He is helping us live graciously in the midst of mercilessness, live a forgiving life in the midst of unforgiveness, do justice in the midst of injustice, live in love in the midst of wickedness.

Praying consistently, working hard and enduring much are all geared specifically/singularly to point the unbelievers to Jesus and encourage God’s sheep to devote themselves to Jesus and not to ourselves- that, they may worship and reverence God and Him alone. Hopefully that is your testimony!

At the end, godliness will culminate to love and love to godliness; the two, shall be married Rev 19:7-10. They inevitably live and shall live forever in the same place 1 John2:17. The true gospel deals with our tree (heart) and is budding good FRUIT Matt 7:17

Also, mercilessness, unforgiveness, injustice, and wickedness originate together, live and shall live inevitably together forever in the same place Rev 19:20, 20:10, Rev 21:8 NLT. The false gospel also deals with the tree (heart) and is budding evil fruit.

No man can stop his tree (heart) from producing its kind of fruit (deeds). No amount of self-pruning (adjustment of character) can be helpful. Every tree on the earth is under pressure to forcefully yield it’s kind of fruit (good or evil fruit).

The only salvation from the undeniable approaching axe on all trees on the earth is found only in Christ Jesus Rev 3:10, Acts 4:12.

Every tree (heart) in Christ has the gospel and the exhortation and admonition of the scriptures is this: Hold on to the gospel to the end. Keep on shining and pointing the blind to the good Shepherd.

The exhortation and admonition to persevere in the gospel is relevant because the devil will attempt as is his nature and mission to continue to blind the world that they may not see the true way or light of the gospel of Jesus on the one hand and on the other hand, derail the people who are in the way (gospel).

We need to hold tenuously to the scriptures and have very low regards to philosophy. Things of faith towards God are simple and certain and must not be abandoned for philosophies that are uncertain Col 2:8, Jude 1:3.

God does not want His Life in His people to rest on empty human philosophies but on the old rugged cross and the wisdom taught by the Holy Spirit.

Philosophy is the reason deviation happens and that is how the spirit of the anti-Christ enters a gospel person or people.

The devil blinds the world by his gospel of lies which the Apostles of Christ by His Spirit described as another gospel. Anyone who has the gospel of Christ but, embraces “another gospel”, that individual part of the body will stand the danger of apostasy- falling away, being cut off from the book of life (Christ) because a branch MUST abide in the Vine to live.

The dangerous and wicked doctrine of once saved ever saved is “another gospel”! The danger of false gospel is this: it gives no grace and it robs from believers the grace (power) of God that helps keep believers eyes on Christ.

Can A Branch (part of His body) Be Truly Cut Off

Let us read 1 Tim 3:6, notice the following points: -A person to be appointed as an elder must not:
Be a new convert- by implication, must be a convert at the least.

Then it says, “He may become puffed up” this clearly shows that a convert can be tempted to be puffed up and actually succumbs to temptation.

It further says, “And falls into the condemnation of the devil” indicating the judgment the devil received from God for his sin of pride and, the effect of the judgment was separation from God. This assertion is correct because the devil can only accuse converts or believers but he has no power to condemn a believer.

Look at Matt 3:10, and note, that the axe is laid on the root of the trees. Axe represents judgment and trees typify hearts. Judgment is neither good nor bad word. It is the outcome of judgment that can result to it favoring one person and serving as a disadvantage to another person.

The result of the axe is undeniably associated with the kind of fruit the tree has produced. So, the fruit of any tree is a judgment already on the tree.

Rom 8:1, tells us that there is presently no condemnation on them who are in Christ. The term IN CHRIST signifies those who have, not just received Christ but are abiding in Him Matt 11:30, Luke 9:62.

The abiding in Him is equivalent to walking in the Spirit, who produces the good fruit Gal 5:22. Please note, the term; “the fruit of the Spirit” is an emphasis that the Spirit produces fruit where ever it resides no matter the circumstance Jer 17:8.

The statement “there is therefore now no condemnation” in Rom 8:1 is a judgment on its own because Christ has changed the tree into a good tree (good heart) by regeneration which is making it bear good fruit.

It is the Spirit in the believer’s that produces the fruit and not the believer’s power to keep the law Eph 2:8. Because a believer is saved by grace (God’s Spirit) and not the keeping of the law, he/she must keep or stay his or her mind or eyes on Christ which is the meaning of, to abide in Christ Heb 12:2.

So, “the abiding” is actually “looking to” rather than doing something. It is the looking to or relying on the Spirit of Christ that causes us to avoid insisting on our own ways when the Holy Spirit graciously persuades us directly and indirectly through another believer and very importantly the Church (body of believers).

Having said the above, it is wise we remind ourselves that a believer who fellowships on the internet but has no local assembly of believers he or she gathers regularly with is creating his or her own way! The danger is extremely huge though it may not be apparent at the immediate. I am certainly not knocking internet fellowship- it’s a great resource and I am all for it but, it must not replace the clear pattern in Acts of the Apostles.

In Rom 6:1-9, Paul, indicates unequivocally that grace makes the people of God bear fruit inspite of any constrain they may face. For example, in this case, they were in lack- yet they gave generously from the little they had. So, lack could not stop the Spirit in them from bearing the fruit of generosity.

If the Holy Spirit has revealed to you that tithing deviates from the doctrine of grace and as such, is a false teaching, I hope He has also revealed to you that not giving (being generous) is sin- evil fruit!

Grace makes anyone who has it to bear the fruit of heaven!

The Spirit dwells in heaven and is on the earth (in man) to produce the same fruit (love) as it is in heaven Matt 6:10. This is why Christians (those in Christ) are already heavenly citizens.

God’s Spirit on the earth is not hovering aimlessly like the demons but, He has residence in His people purchased by Emmanuel’s Blood. Are you one of those housing God? If yes, the scripture invites you to meditate on this mystery day and night, “….. Christ in you, the hope of glory” Col 1:27.

Meditate daily on Matt 22:37-40, 2 Tim 2:15 KJV, Acts 17:11, Col 3:16— the result is amazing!

The question everyone needs to answer for him or herself is this; what kind of fruit is my heart producing? If it is good, then I am walking in the Spirit or abiding in Christ but if it is bad, then I am in the flesh. And, no one in the flesh has grace, walking in the Spirit or abiding in Christ.

So, the focus should be the tree not the fruit because the type of tree we have determines the type of fruit you and I see daily in our lives.

The truth is this- there is only one remedy and surely it is not feeling guilty but, being contrite and broken (repentance) Matt 12:33, Psalm 51:17.

Feeling guilty has never been and will never be an option to remedy our state of falling short of the gospel because guilt leads to shame and shame drives man far away from a loving Father Gen 3:8.

Thank you for reading through “The falling away” series. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and sustain you by His grace in the gospel. Amen.


The Falling Away: Christ is the Gospel

The Falling Away: Christ is the Gospel

The phrase falling away is a Greek word (Apostasia) which simply means to depart from a known path or way. No one departs from a path or way he or she has not known or walked. The knowledge of this truth makes the falling away an important issue to the people of the way or Christians Acts 9:2, 11:26.

We know from the scriptures that, “the way” is nomenclature for the gospel and, the apostasy is with reference to the gospel. This makes it imperative for those of us who are in the gospel to keep on growing in the life and understanding of the gospel and, to hold firmly to Him all the days of our lives.

What is the gospel?
The gospel has been defined as good news but, the further question is, good news of what? The definition of the gospel as a good news generates a lot of offshoot questions and it gets more and more ambiguous.

The life of Christ is the gospel—God in Jesus came amongst men (Emmanuel—God with us) Matt 1:23, John1:14. It is the Word of God as expressed and anointed in the bible by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is the Lamb’s book of life though many of us often think of pen and paper when we read of the Lamb’s book of life in the bible. The gospel is an invitation to be registered in the lamb’s book of life Rev 20:15, 2 Cor 3:2-3. It’s an invitation to godliness found only in Christ on the one hand and on the other, living in Christ Titus 2:11, Acts 17:28, John 15:4.

Godliness is living as Jesus did amongst humanity and still does by the Holy Spirit in His people or brothers.

In Rev 19:10, the scripture tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy—that God will have witnesses to the life of His Son on the earth. The word witnesses is not just people telling other people about Jesus’ life but also, a people living His life. In other words, in this present world or age, a people will live godly lives and proclaim that same gospel-live to the glory and praise of God.

From the time of man’s fall in the Garden of Eden, God has moved in tents, tabernacles and temples on the earth but now, the gospel is the good news that God has found for Himself a temple (holy dwelling place) on the earth not made by man’s hand but in man through His Son Jesus Christ.

Through God’s provision and sacrifice of His only begotten Son as a Lamb and its attendant faith and grace to mortal sinful man, man is able to receive regeneration (salvation). The word Salvation depicts not just the saving of a people from destruction but, also the giving of eternal life to a people. Actually, the rescue happens through the giving of God’s kind of life found in Christ to a people. This Christ’ life that is available to mankind is what is translated as good news Proverbs 25:25. The phrase “Far country” refers to Heaven Heb 12:25.

Who is the Gospel meant for?
The gospel is for the benefit of the whole world especially for those who embrace it and live by Him. It is the totalities of God’s will for man 1 John 2:2. I recognize that there is a lot of controversy with verse 2 of 1 John 2, whether the correct word is propitiation, expiation or atonement. So, I guess it’s wise to state this vital point; whichever of the words we favour, it requires man to repent and accept the Lamb of God that was slain in other to access it’s gracious benefit (salvation). This instilling of the life of the Lamb into the person who accepts Him propels the recipient to depart from evil and to abide for its continual enjoying.

Christ’ sacrifice did not change God because He didn’t need to change—it appeased His wrath and made those who receive Christ acceptable to Him. On the side of the recipients (us), His sacrifice and resurrection changes our bad tree (heart) that does not fear God to a good tree that fears God Proverbs 16:6 NKJV, Ezekiel 36:26, Heb 10:22. Note in verse 22 of Heb 10, we come sincerely only because; our hearts is sprinkled clean by the Blood of Christ.

The truth that man must depart from sins motivated by carnal mind is the reason the propitiation, expiation or atonement did and does sprinkle our consciences clean. And, is not ambiguous that God still vehemently calls us to keep clear or clean consciences 1 Tim 1:19, 3:9, Acts 24:16. We need to know that clear or clean conscience is not the same as weak or strong conscience. Understanding this distinction is vital for the gospel live. While weak or strong conscience may be culturally determined, clear or clean conscience is governed by God—that is, the state of our conscience before God. When we take our evolving cultural views to God, what He tells us about them and our response to Him.

The gospel of Christ is gathering a people together as a community (ecclesia-the body of Christ) Rom 7:4, 12:5 and its physical expression can be seen scattered all over the world in local assemblies Acts 2:47. In the assemblies, you and I as individual parts of the body (ecclesia), have a life IN Christ and WITH Christ and this life, is what we are commanded by Christ to live out in the assembly and among all men everywhere. That is the gospel 1 Tim 3:15, 4:12 1 Peter 2:12, Matt 5:16. Hence, living the gospel (Godliness) is not a community affair though it is displayed in community. It is first, a life IN Christ, WITH Christ and passionately lived amongst men.

Beautifully, the gospel gathers those who belong to God (ecclesia) in community. However, sadly, the vile seek expression where its impact can be felt the most and that place is the community of the pure. This happens because the prince or god of the vile is the god of this present world where the ecclesia is so journeying John 15:19, Heb 11:13 NKJV, 1 Peter 2:11 NKJV.

So, the devil has another gospel and he too, seeks for a body of people to express his gospel or way. Therefore, as God’s nature or way yields godliness, so also the devil’s way produces devilishness. Therefore, “community” can serve as another weapon in the hands of the devil for the end time battle. While God works in the community of His people, the devil too, seeks to work within the same community e.g., Ecumenism–at its core, is (union of all faiths or beliefs). The scriptures tell us that some whose condemnation has been from long, will introduce false teaching into the gathering of the saints 2Peter 2:1-3.

Sarah and Hagai
The greatest challenge that has faced the Christian community has come and will continue to come from the Ishmaelites. But, Ishmael is not a stranger so to speak! God who is omniscient knew that separation will help His people. So, on His behest, Abram obeyed to separate between Hagai and Sarah and consequently Ishmael and Isaac.

This story of Sarah and Hagai is a shadow that points to the strange church and the true church and the differences in their off-spring. Where you and I belong must be clear to us—no ifs and buts on this issue. Please note I am not speaking about Islamic religion and “Christian religion”! Both people in the Islamic and “Christian religion” needs Jesus Christ desperately. Islamic religion is not more of a problem to the gospel of Christ compared to “Christian religion”.

There may be many Downing Streets in London or many White Houses in Washington but everyone who belongs to 10 Downing Street or the White House from WHERE THE NATION IS BEING SHAPED knows it for sure and it is no less for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Presumption will not go unpunished! Just think about what’ll happen to any smart cowboy or diplomatic ragamuffin who presumptuously strays to the White House or 10 Downing Street. Whoever claims to be in the gospel (in Christ), will understand that Hagai as a woman (church) cannot give birth to a promised son though she gives birth to a son (a life) and her son cannot inherit the promise (eternal life). If you take the view that it is no fault of either Hagai or Ishmael, you may be right but that does not shift God’s position Rom 9:7-8, 15-16, Rom 8:14.

Hagai’s (false Church) gospel has advanced, gaining substantial following, and acquired more of this present earth’s kind of spirituality and prosperity because:

(a) Her real god is the god of this present world or age

(b) She is not a sojourner in this present age for this world is more realistic to her than the new earth to come

(c) All her emphasis is centered on preparing her followers to inherit this present world though she garnishes her sermons with stains of spirituality.

It is imperative for us to know which type of Gospel we follow. Is it the one from Hagai or Sarah? The following questions will help answer to the truth:

(a) Can the grace proceeding from the gospel we have help us to endure to suffer the loss of all things if need be and not be bitter toward anyone or God?

(b) Can the grace gained from the gospel we have keep us tagging on straight in Christ when we possess all things?

(c) Does the gospel make us focus on life after death (eternal life with God) consistently while engaging this present life’s daily routine diligently and vigorously?

(d) Does the structure and practice of the gospel we follow have the landmarks found in Acts of the Apostles or has modern times distorted and disfigured it?

(e) The gospel we have, is it actively fighting against building three boots for Elias, Moses and Jesus?

If any of your answers is no, you need to know there is something wrong even if you cannot put your figure on it. Ask Jesus what is wrong with building Him a kingdom; He will tell you if you truly have a relationship with Him—search the scriptures! Matt 17:4-5.

In Acts 1:6, the disciples asked Jesus a question, which all along, they have harbored and wished Christ coming will do for them. See Jesus’ answer in Acts 1:7, it clearly refocuses their attention on Him. It is certainly about His return because that is the one thing; Jesus consistently told them is in the hand of the Father not even Himself. And then, He went ahead to tell them about the Kingdom.

See His answer in Acts 1:8, effectively, He equates having Him (Jesus) or Holy Spirit to having the Kingdom. See Luke 17:20 note it says it is not by observation and Luke 17:21 also, note it says it is in your midst. This kingdom (Jesus) in the midst of the unbelieving Jews, is the same kingdom in the heart of those who believe or are in the Holy Spirit Rom 14:17, “in the Holy Spirit” not with. The true gospel or kingdom is not a religion or philosophy and we are implored to follow only after the true gospel Heb 12:2. The gospel is not an aspect of Christ’ life but it is the holistic life of Christ as revealed in God’s infallible word in the bible.

Condensing aspects of the gospel and nicknaming it xyz or after a servant of God or a presumed servant of God in rodomontade to create camps or denominations is babylonish. More so, to work tirelessly to get people to join our camp is not the same thing as inviting them to receive the gospel and to follow Him alone 1Cor1:12, 3:4-6, 4:6, James 2:1, 9.

Notice in verse 12 of 1 Cor 1, Paul, also reproved even those claiming to follow Jesus; the reason for this is clear—they were partisan, intending to use, “we follow Jesus” as a ploy to draw some people to themselves and not submit to the ministry in Paul’s and Apollo’s life meant to benefit the whole body of Christ. I make this assertion because Paul could not be reproving anyone for following Christ Jesus (the gospel) for whose sake; he had counted all he had gained in life as dung.

We will continue our meditation on “The falling away” in the next post.


The Falling Away: Guard your Heart

No one fights those he has already captured. If you have the love of God, hold on to it tightly. Those who do not have love, their love cannot grow cold Matt 24:12 NIV. It is only those that have grace that can fall from grace. Being lukewarm does not afflict unbelievers only believers, is only those in the faith that can depart from the faith. Unbelievers are never warm towards God.

An enemy cannot betray – it is only friends that can betray friends. May the Holy Spirit grant us understanding!

We all need to be still before Christ Jesus the lover of our souls. It helps us hear His instructions clearly.

It is not wisdom for the captured to continue barking on the captor; as many Christians do- practicing wickedness which is of the devil yet they claim to fiercely bind the devil in their prayers.

2 Tim 2:26, shows clearly, he that does the will of the devil is captured. Wisdom demands that the captured looks for exit and escape from the captor before he finally kills the captured with the same wickedness they are indulging Gal 5:15.

As Christians, we repent, submit to God, resist the Devil and he will flee at least for that season James 4:7, Luke 4:13. And, because he flees only for a season, we are to resist him steadfastly each time. We bind devils (demons) and cast them out (Matt 10:1, Luke 10:19). But, no Christian has authority to bind Satan the devil.

God has left us a window of escape that the devil cannot stop. The window is called repentance-each person should use it sincerely as the Blood of Jesus propitiates for us 1 John 2:1-2.

If you are entangled in sin, though you are God’s servant, please use the window of escape (repent) before your conscience gets seared and you begin twisting doctrines to suit your purpose 1 Tim 4:2. This dangerous situation does open up spiritual people for the beast to download the anti-Christ into them 1 John 2:18, 2 John 1:7.

Without apology, we must note that no one becomes a false Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, Shepherd or a deceitful “server of tables”- (a term for describing seemingly not too important aspect of service Acts 6:2, treasurer John 13:29 NLT), without having first been seriously intending to pursue spiritual life. For this reason, submitting oneself sincerely to God and resisting the devil is an individual daily walk that cannot be communalized.

2 Peter 2:1 opens with a firm indication that false prophets and teachers will align to destroy the Church (saints of God). They will accomplish this by introduction of heresies (mere human thoughts minced with seemingly fine ideas inspired by demon spirits).

It is important to note that Peter’s admonition and exhortation is not towards those doomed prophets and teachers. You may ask why? Well, no one becomes a false prophet or teacher by accident- there is always a deliberate submission to the beast that infuses the anti-Christ spirit into them. So, no one is a false prophet or teacher because they impropery taught God’s word as a result of over zealousness and ignorance (James 3:1, 1 Cor 7:7, Eph 4:11).

We must avoid being quick to call people false prophets and teachers in order to discern between the wheat and tare. Thus, reveal the real culprits and the danger they pose.

Given the doomed condition of those false prophets and teachers, Peter, concluded all he had to say about them in verse 1 and moved on to elaborate on their strategies which can be narrowed down to this one thing; belittle and make public ridicule of Christ and turn the people who have already embraced Him away and stop those intending to embrace Him. This is done by their doctrines and lifestyle Heb 6:6. He was concise, direct and vehement for the sake of the saints!

So, Peter’s main theme is this; many who were previously in the faith will depart from the faith as a result of the doctrines of these false prophets and teachers 2 Pet 2:2. Please, beware many of them now bear the title Pastor which is a designation used to overshadow all of the “ministry gifts”, against God’s wise opinion to keep them separate Eph 4:11.

In 2 Peter 2:8, he gives the saints a hint on how to escape the onslaught. This hint comes from the lesson learnt from the servants of God of old like King David and Prophet Isaiah Psalm 31:10, Isaiah 21:2, 51:11. Sighing (broken and contrite heart) has never failed to bring down the mercy of God on His people whose consciences are not yet seared or reprobate.

In 2 Peter 2:10-19 NLT, he states the characteristics of the reprobates and those departing from the faith and declared how the end will look for them in 2 Pet 2:20-22.

A person that was once not deceived can later be deceived Mark 13:5, 1 Cor 10:12. If you say you have grace, has that grace helped you make up your mind to honor God, humble yourself before His word consistently and resolve to endure to the end? How do you answer?

Or have you been indoctrinated with the modern understanding of being “under grace” and “Jesus is my righteousness” that permit Christians to:

(a) Neglect keeping clear conscience
(b) Deliberately do evil now in hard circumstance and repent later
(c) Deliberately lie against people including fellow believers to appear holy and accepted
(d) Tell fabricated lies against individuals in other to protect the “church”
(e) Cheat and batter their spouse
(g) Permit men to sleep with men and even marry men
(h) Admit women into eldership to appear trendy
(i) Knowingly employ occultic packages to grow the “church”
(j) Run tactical programmes that get wives to be more loyal to church leaders than their OWN husbands
(k) Permit men who neglect their families to jump around in the name of working for God

These things are a stench to the nostril of God. God is merciful- all we need do is quickly repent and follow the gospel (narrow way) again.

Hopefully you have not joined those that think they can never fall- because they that are down need not fear fall.
Well, the day a man can never fall is the day; he most urgently needs to be lifted up!

Falling and not knowing it is a significant sign that one’s life is in danger. Using the Blood of Jesus as a magic wand to cover our continuous hatred, bitterness, craftiness, wickedness, plotting ones achievements at others expense, secret immoral life, wishing others evil future, praying in Jesus name against others, envying, partisan spirit, mockery of others and harbouring deep dissatisfaction with God is deceptive.

Professing the finished sacrifice of Christ on the cross, His resurrection and grace while disregarding it’s power to cleanse from those exceeding evils and to keep one away from them is unprofitable 2 Cor 13:5.

Jesus said, “Pray that you do not enter into temptation” How do you understand the admonition? Given temptation is inevitable in this present age whose god is a god of temptation and the fact we are clothed with mortal flesh Rom 7:23, 6:12, 1 Pet 2:11. Have you considered the statement to mean, pray that you’re not deceived- because deception is not just dangerous but extremely difficult to recover from because deceived people can hardly figure out they have been deceived.

God is not like the joker in the park! God is God- May God speak to your heart that He is God- it is impactful when man hears directly in his heart and mind that God is God.

God has desire and His desire is that His people continue in “well doing”.

The phrase “well doing”, references the will of God. So, see these passages Isaiah 3:10, Romans 2:7, Gal 6:9, 2 Thess 3:13, 1 Peter 2:15, 3:17, 4:19. Please dear friend, pause! If you did not read through those scriptures, I will plead with you to go back and patiently read them.

We will continue our meditation on “The falling away” in the next post

May the grace of God and the knowledge of Christ Jesus guide and guard you in His love and peace. Amen


The Falling Away

To us Christians, we can do all things through Christ who enables us. However, as offensive as it may sound to some Christians, the reverse is also true that we can do most things without God. Let us examine the truth in the above assertion.

The events of this day and age have lent credence to the above statement, that is to say, doing or achieving things without God’s enablement. This present generation is determined to prove it and is proving it. See this, Dolly the Sheep.

The unfortunate thing is that the generation that works the hardest to proving it is the one that was prophesied to usher in the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ is powerful and as predicted, will even give inanimate things life- that is the length he will go in order to convince this generation to worship him.

He will deal out not only amazing power but also, evil wisdom and knowledge. But, having accredited him, it is intriguing to know that without man none of his power or wisdom has potency. In other words, he is a created being and as such, he is a weak fellow who must use created being to enhance his plot.

As an individual Christian and as a church, there is an urgency to resist the anti-Christ and his cohorts from using you covertly or openly John 13:27, 11:9, 8:12, 11:10. The mind of the devil (image of the beast) MUST be steadfastly rejected!

But, God’s power and pure wisdom does not depend on created being- both His power and wisdom has been in display even before He created all things and man. Man benefits when he submits to the creator. His wisdom and power becomes available to us in worship and service to Him. Our minds MUST be submitted to the mind of Christ Rom 15:5 NIV, Phil 2:5, and James 3:17.

The generation that despise God and shun His grace will surely discover things to support their depravity. The evil wisdom and power of the beast will be amply available to them to direct their destruction through false teachers whose condemnation had long been predicted 2 Peter 2:3 NIV.

Over many decades and in recent times, slick and smooth talking folks have tried selling finely packaged extreme poisons e.g. short term hell (purgatory), ultimate reconciliation, homosexuality, reincarnation, dominionism etc to the Church and on the milder side, but diffused, ten percent tithing. These false teachings do greater damage to the souls of God’s people compared to the flexing of mere money.

Think of how weak the Church is because of these teachings that rob us of God’s grace and the many Christians carrying guilt and unable to pray and serve God enthusiastically, because of ten percent tithing scheme, they are hardly ever faithful to keep as required by their denominations while on the one hand teaching grace glibly.

Also, the gross lack of perseverance, chaste attitude and honesty amongst us which, is resulting in the shameful rising numbers of divorce in total disregards to God. There is no grace that accompanies false doctrine! And without grace, where will the power to persevere, purity and honesty come from!?

We need to watch out for the many more stupid discoveries within and without the church that will forcefully challenge the revealed knowledge of God’s word in the bible. Everything that will encourage and pacify man’s heart to continue in rebellion against God is being pumped into the world (man’s mind).

Good luck to man as he discovers things and grow bold to disapprove those God approved in the scriptures. Surely, discovering long buried document(s) as announced recently will help a sinful generation engulfed with harlotry to persist in her shameless unfaithfulness while shouting on top of her voice grace! Grace! More grace! Psalm 106:15 KJV, 2 Peter 2:22.

If you love Paul the Apostle for his teaching on grace, but disapprove James the Apostle secretly in your heart or openly in your doctrine and actions, then, you must hear this; you know nothing about the grace of God. Repent!

The personal question we MUST ask our self and answer it sincerely is this, “the power and wisdom you and I are gaining what, is it leading us to DO?” Is the wisdom making us change the knowledge of God to a lie and is the grace (power) making us practice licentiousness? If yes, we need to abandon empty profession of faith in Christ and seek Him with an honest heart.

If the grace of God is what God’s word says it is? And of course it is, two things cannot fail to happen where ever it is found Titus 2:12. Those two things are this, truth and goodness. And, because grace is dynamic, truth and goodness grows- are you seeing growth in grace or you are experiencing a dwindling life.

Have you challenged God before? If not, this is the time to do so. Challenge Him to prove in your own life that with His grace, you can DO all things through Christ. In order words, you can serve Him faithfully in and through all circumstances. So, in weakness (bad times), you hold to His grace worshipping and serving faithfully and in strength (good times), you stick to His grace knowing it is His grace producing the strength. Doing this, we will ALWAYS be productive at all seasons and we will always abound in His work 1 Cor 15:58.

If the anti-Christ will give evil powers for people to increase in wickedness at this close of the age 2 Tim 3:1-4, scriptures and common sense tells us that God will unleash His awesome grace in a measure we are yet to know-this grace is found in Christ Jesus our Lord. And He is unlashing it now! Rom 5:20, 2 Cor 9:8.

Reading through 2 Tim 3:1-4, and calling to mind that, since the fall of man, it’s been only God fearing people who have lived without those vices mention both in the Old and New Testament. Therefore, is only those who have once lived without those evils can be tempted to go back to them. Let the Holy Spirit speak to each one of our hearts and each man be persuaded accordingly.

How I pray we will learn to handle our suspicions as just suspicion and not treat it as a fact. Telling your suspicion about people to others as if it were a fact is a besetting sin that is gripping many professing Christians Heb 12:1.

We need to go to the throne of grace and ask to see what gracious grace He will make available to us, much more than you and I have ever known.

How I wish people who had divorced, committed suicide or gave up their Christian faith, or maybe about to do any of those, had or can just go once more before the throne of grace!

Obtaining grace is receiving the unmerited power of God that propels us to take decisions and actions that otherwise, we could never do on our own John 1:12 KJV. Wow! How beautiful is the dispensation of grace. What a time of abundance of grace! John 1:16, Heb 4:16.

Listen with the ears of your heart and you can hear the sound of the trumpet of God at a distant calling His people to alertness. If Satan the devil was to come from where men have predicted, this present call for alertness that have started since the morning of the end times up until this late noon of the end time will not be but because he will emerge from a quarter least expected, the warning is coming on strong from the Apostolic, Prophetic, Teaching, Evangelistic and Shepherding ministries to encourage those who have ears to hear, to heed to what the Spirit is saying to the church.

We will carry on this meditation on part two of this article.

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord (2 Peter 1:2 NLT).


A City Set On A Hill

Spiritual blindness leads to hypocrisy. God wants His people whom He has conformed to the Image of Christ through regeneration to get rid of greed, self indulgence, wickedness and unfaithfulness through His grace, the knowledge and understanding of His Son (Rom 8:29, Rev 17:14).

God had determined to explode His blessings (grace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His Son to the bride—the church) in this generation like a cluster bomb. God’s intent is always purposeful and creative so, why this unleashing of His blessings?

Ephesians 3:10 holds an answer to the intent of God in blessing the church at this time of the end: [The purpose is] that through the church the complicated, many-sided wisdom of God in all its infinite variety and innumerable aspects might now be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere (Amplified bible).

Christ’s Image
His image is a portrait of the totality of His person- spiritual and human (fully God and fully Man) and it is only that type of sacrifice God has accepted for atonement and salvation (1 Pet 1:19, John 1:29). Christ is the Spirit of God in our spirit and He has made us conformed to His image in the sight of God (Rom 8:29). This is where the boasting of a Christian lies (1 Cor 1:30 NIV). Christ is our righteousness and our righteousness is of God not of ourselves (Phil 3:9). All praise and glory be to our Saviour and Lord—Jesus Christ. Amen.

At the point of our believing and receiving Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Saviour and Lord, His act of regenerating us makes us completely saved and accepted by the Almighty God. If such a soul falls asleep after that moment, the eternal home of that soul would be the bosom of God. Indeed, salvation is by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone. But, if God who sustains life in a soul were to keep that soul awake on the earth, he or she is bound to live heavenly (godly and righteously) on earth and show forth the praises of God (1 Pet 2:9). No preacher should debar the saints of this glorious privilege by teaching what deviates from the Apostle’s doctrine as given to them by Jesus Christ Himself John 15:10. If anyone does, let such a one be accursed! (Gal 1:8-9).

Christ’s Stature
Irrespective of our chronological age, we all are brought into Christ as babies though fully saved but needing to mature (grow in grace ). Christ’s stature which the church (the gathering together of individuals in Christ) is exhorted to grow in ( see Eph 4:13) speaks of His visible character or life style which is summarized as full of grace, love, forgiveness, holiness, righteousness, mercy, power, faithfulness, joy, peace, long-suffering, compassion, gentleness, goodness and truth. This personage of Christ is who God predestined us to walk in by the grace He has made available to us who are in Christ (Eph 2:10). Walking in it is not what gives us salvation but it serves as light to the world (Matt 5:14, Phil 2:15) and gives God good pleasure and honour (Phil 2:13, 1 Sam 2:30).

Mortal men are gaining understanding of Jesus Christ in a way that is transforming and leading to a reverence of Him and a desire to see Him appear to consummate the marriage feast that all generations of godly and righteous men and women have longed for without ceasing.

This transformation is cleaning inside the cup – our minds (Matt 23:26, 25, Luke11:39, Rom 12:2) and producing visible obedience outside the cup- our bodies (Rom 12:1) to Christ.

The essence of God increasing the Church’s understanding and reverence for Jesus Christ is so that we may be the more diligent and earnest to hear and do the biding of His voice. That way, we will continue to abide in Him as our minds are set on Him and not on anything else. This is the safeguard from drifting to another spirit that is fighting to govern those who dwell on the earth (Heb 2:1-4).

God is hastening this matter of moving His Church from one degree of glory to another to enable us do His will with the heart of love and fear as a preparation for the world to come which is not subjected to angels but to Christ for the full benefit of His people -the bride of Christ and to the eternal praise, glory and honour of God almighty (Phil 2:13 NLT, Heb 2:5-9, 1 John 3:3 NLT).

Awake Zion
“Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning, and be like men who are waiting for their master to come home from the wedding feast, so that they may open the door to him at once when he comes and knocks.
Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them.
If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants!
But know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have left his house to be broken into (Prov 25:28, 4:23). You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Luke 12:35-40).

And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end (Heb 6:11).

Jesus is coming soon… it’s not just a fact. It is the truth. (Phil 4:5). This truth; should serve to wake us up from slumber. Awake! Zion and get to the high mountain for the time of your exaltation is at hand (not physical mountain and doesn’t necessarily entail anyone leaving their legitimate source of livelihood). Prepare; for streams of people are coming to you seeking the highest mountain (the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Saviour- the prince of peace) in your midst.
