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To all who find time to visit this site and read my posts, thank you. Grace and peace to you all!

Thanks to all who pray for me that I might grow in Christ and proficiency in my writing. Thanks to those who have left comments on the site or via emails. It’s been encouraging.

My intention in all of my posts is to enrich all who read them with Christ’s life through God’s words Eph 4:15, 2 Pet 3:18. The bible is full of counsel for human existence—both spiritual and temporal 2 Pet 1:3, 2 Tim 3:16-17. From it, to the measure I have been given grace and faith, I passionately want to communicate it with the spirit of love. Though, because I’m yet growing both in Him and writing, I may not come across perfectly.

I pray as I always do, that He continue to give grace and glory to you all Psalm 84:11NLT, 2 Cor 3:18.

Have a blest and happy new year.
