The natural eyes of all can see the televised tsunami, earthquake, volcano and twister devastating our world and so, we are concerned and many are sending their services and material help to countries suffering from these destructions. If you can help no matter how little but haven’t, do consider sending your help!
But, in this article, let us meditate on the true tsunami, earthquake, twister and volcano destroying our world that has not yet been addressed sufficiently perhaps this is because its effect is not being seen deeply with the eyes of our inner man. I am referring to fathers that have no Father (God).
God is the Father of all fathers– have you accepted your father, do you have help from Him? Why don’t you have help from Him? Why is the help minimal? Does He lack ability to supply and power to help? Is His love little? Is He wicked and hard of hearing? Does He only deal with those whose hearts are down cast? As earthly fathers, are any of us ever sufficient in ourselves that we don’t need Him because our circumstance is so good or so bad?
Fathers! Let us consider these questions closely whether you celebrate “father’s day” or not.
To help us reflect usefully, let us turn to Psalms 42:1-11 and study it as part of our wanting to learn from our Father God and receive His help and so extend His help to those being devastated by the volcano, earthquake twister and tsunami of not having God the Saviour Who is a present help at all times and especially in times of trouble.
Lord Jesus, help us to take hold of your staff and be clothed with you for the wind has come upon us fathers! We cry for help, help us Holy Spirit our comforter. Empower us that we may not come back home without doing exploits for God as fathers because of the confrontations of the WIND. Be our foundation–our Rock!
Without going into too much detail about the causes of natural disasters, it will suffice to say, they are caused when natural sequences function abnormally. This is also the case with us fathers— we are made to learn and follow a spiritual pattern (Christ) and when we don’t, devastation and destruction follows. Our souls starve, become restless and sick but praise God He is today present where you are to change the situation— give you rest and bring YOU into His chamber closer than you have ever known to behold amazing things! Things that make our destinies clear or clearer, with power and prudence to walk on the earth tall in-spite of all odds fulfilling our God given duties. These things enable us encourage, help and receive help from others since we’re brought into His Household along with others who drink from His streams of living water.
Fathers, let us not celebrate thoughtlessly, lest we think we are doing so well while many of our fellow fathers languish in emptiness! Yes, we praise and rejoice for what God has done and He is doing for us but, we need of a necessity to reciprocate— God needs you and I to be fathers indeed, real fathers look out for others! Let us praise and pray publicly but we must not fail to enter our private places and lament deeply seeking His salvation and that of our fellow fathers.
Let’s do some lamentation to Him who has the power to help fathers to be fathers!
Lord God, let the purpose for which you have honoured men to bear the same name with you as fathers on the earth be fulfilled in us, stop the tsunami of men running away from you in Jesus name. Amen