There is a clarion call from God’s word; calling out to the – lively stones (Christ’s brothers), saying, “Worship in spirit and truth” John 4:23. Kiss the Son but not like Judas the betrayer! Luke 22:48.
Awake to the first love you had for Him if indeed you’ve ever loved Him— for, many know nothing about loving Jesus or having faith toward God (Daniel 3:16-18, Habakkuk 3:17-19) because we’re bombarded today with only the exercising of faith to possess our possessions (earthly needs) which the earthly people get without exercising our so called “faith”.
It’s imperative we know that verses 17-19 of Hab 3 did not happen as a result of lack of exercise of faith. Rather, such things happen for our own good as supervised by the Alpha and Omega. Well, I guess this will sound stupid and pass as escapist theory for the materialist minded (visualize and claim it folks). But, Romans 8:5-8, 28 should help us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose“.
Amplification of this truth shows that good is light Eph 5:8-9. Light (good), is what God intends to work out in the life of THOSE WHO LOVE HIM through All things He permits to happen to them John 14:15. This is actually His purpose!
Therefore, every situation that confronts us should lead us to the light of God e.g Stephen’s stoning and “early” death worked out light for him—He didn’t go cursing, hating and denying Jesus for not coming to his rescue despite his mountain moving faith. The phrase “work together for good” doesn’t mean, ‘Don’t worry it will all eventually turn out as you wish, just exercise faith’. If we walk in darkness because we’re confronted with evil circumstance, we’re missing the essence of us being lively stones (light) in the Lord Rom 12:21.
So, don’t give room to the magicians, sorcerers, and merchandisers with bibles, blind and reprobate religious gurus of this age wanting to deceive you. Don’t let the temporal successes or failures of this life drain God’s rich life in you Prov 27:24. Remember that Satan is still looking for those he will deceive with his voice and use them as sons of perdition to shame Christ Heb 6:6 (KJV).
Therefore, discerning voices is vital for the end times we live in as it was with the early church.Voice carries unbelievable power— it’s so important that God takes His time to train each lively stone to learn His voice.
Every part of His spiritual house must learn His voice John 10:4-5. We notice in verse 4, all the sheep know His voice. Many sheep echo His voice as He chooses to speak from anyone of them. Also, we’re made to be aware in verse 5, that while the voice of the stranger (Satan) speaks directly to deceive, he uses his messengers (strangers–wolfs in sheep clothing) to trumpet his voice to accomplish his purposes.
The phrase, “they do not know the voice of strangers” is well explained to us in the beginning of verse 5, “A stranger they will not follow”— not only that they do not follow or obey, “they will flee from him” because the scripture does not encourage anyone to enter into conversation or fencing with the devil and his cohorts. These seemingly simple words of Jesus is safety device for us!
But, because we ignore His wise counsel BY NOT SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES OR SEARCHING BUT FORGETTING THAT THE SCRIPTURES TESTIFY OF HIM (John 5:39, Acts 17:11), the voice of the smooth talker is making many build fantastic and admirable edifices (fake kingdoms with fake following) wrapped up with humanistic intentions which is another gospel.
We need to know that wood not overlaid with gold and silver, clay not broken, straw and hay can’t stand His fire Malachi 3:1-18. Wood overlaid and jars of clay broken will enjoy the resurrection now and attend to the future resurrection unto immortality with God.
Worship at the end, will be in God Himself the very temple Rev 21:22-27. It’s vital to mention that the kings in verse 24 of Rev 21 are now being prepared to learn to bring glory to the Lamb Who is the light of the temple or city. So, it’s not referring to men’s kings—who’re rulers of mankind!
His Royal Priesthood in our Generation
The church (His city) is far from dying as many suppose! By institutional measurement, the gates of hell have already prevailed longer than we can imagine. But for the spiritual house God Himself is building, there has never been any time a great number of the priesthood have been obedient to Christ like in our generation.
Myopic opinion will hinder many from seeing that His royal priesthood today is taking conscious decisions and steps that are far reaching in order to glorify Christ in different parts of the world (China, Japan, India etc). Meanwhile, MANY of us are totally engrossed with possessing earthly possessions! It boils down to the issue of balance which, watchfulness and prayer will help calibrate! As Christ is speaking to the church loud and clear, His word is awakening slumberers.
Listen with your ears if indeed you are part of His lively stones (kings-yes! kings are His servants) and act on His command to fit your place in the construction of His temple that has been going-on for over 2,000 years. The time to use the temple for the marriage feast is nearer now than ever before. Midnight is coming upon us fast that the bride may enter the dawn of His glorious morning!
How long more before the time is due? Only the arrogant knows! But, the humble takes the posture of obeying His instruction, “watch and pray” Mark 14:38. We must not run away from God because He sells His gold and silver to us by reprove and discipline.
It’s a show of His love for us! Rev 3:18-20. We need to continually examine our soil (old fashion talk but it remains valid 1 Tim 4:16, Acts 24:16). “As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience”(Luke 8:15), Heb 6:7, Rev 3:10.
It is time for every lively stone as part of Christ’s body to abandon consumer mentality and timidity!
BE A BLESSING IN THE GATHERING OF THE SAINTS TO WHICH GOD HAS SET YOU BY EXERCISING YOUR GIFT NOT SKILL (Rom 12:5-8 NLT). Exercising skill doesn’t take devotion to God but for His gift in our lives, it does! We’re called to His devotion and then, to play our part according to the measure of faith and grace He is pouring into us daily as members of the present royal priesthood! Refuse to operate as a Levitical priest and have no high priest over you under any heading except Christ!
Take a look again at the picture above (which is a representation of the body)—notice the unique shape and colour of each small and big stone. Each stone is shaped and sized by God. The least of them is greater than John the Baptist! Imagine the big stones trying to brag to the small ones about their bigness when they cannot fit in the place the small ones fit and vice versa. See the beauty the blend of their colours gives; it’s because of their positioning! He that set each stones position achieved that beauty– God is indeed a designer!
While He has admitted us into His Life freely, we’re encouraged as individual lively stones to go further and accept His design for our lives and thereby enter into His abundant life (the fullest measure of God’s life mortals can enjoy while in the earth) not posh life (though nothing is wrong with that privilege). But, this richness of the soul the Holy Spirit is speaking to the great house about waits for every lively stone for the taking. Whoever is willing, CAN take it by force John 10:10, 1 Tim 6:12, Matt 11:12.
Always remember! You’re not a cement mixture which, you or other people pour into their molding machine to produce the shape of stone or block they need to accomplish their ambitions. You’re a stone hewn out from Christ to bear His image, praise and glorify the Father now and for all eternity. Our big caution! We don’t just relish in this knowledge—we accept it and it works in us and conform us actively, daily to His pattern and purposes. Amen.