Truth created the world and all that is in it. Truth has a voice, its own pathway and a destination. Truth is so powerful—it is Almighty and He has made evolution theory childish thinking. In time, Truth makes the foolishness of all that oppose Him visible 1 Corinthians 1:20.
Babylon: Spiritual and Temporal
While Babylon (kingdom of darkness) that opposes God is invisible, it has visible manifestations. It is a system—Spiritual Babylon (SB) that operates in the soul of man and gives birth to recognizable structure—temporal Babylon (TB) on earth. And, it’s supported by many waters (people) who are directed by few bosses. It’s not random; it’s coordinated with a destination. Its destination is disaster and its core leader (Satan), a rebel against the Creator Proverbs 16:25, Matthew 7:13, Genesis 11:4.
Though, God started man afresh on the earth after the flood, He knew that man had not lost his free will to make choice—little wonder that He warned man not to kill his fellow man Genesis 9:6. Soon after, man became exceedingly evil again. The phrase “one language and one speech” in Genesis 11:1, is used to indicate that man’s heart and soul was once again seized and filled with evil. So, it is not that God doesn’t want man to enjoy unity among themselves rather, He forbids that evil should accentuate by unity Genesis 11:6-7.
Even when some walk in evil in the church, He permits disunity to arise in order to bring about repentance. Church, we need to examine the exceeding disunity we’re suffering today and examine ourselves 1 Corinthians 11:17-19.
The operation of SB in the soul eventually becomes visible as it births physical structure empowered by Satan. The things we support on the earth shows the Kingdom in operation in our lives. Selah!
Though the rebel (Satan) is supported by many, he supports none. The realization of his hatred for his supporters becomes apparent with time. Before God, he flees, abandons his supporters and the false city he is using them to build in order to challenge Christ. When God visits the peoples with confusion of faces, gloom, darkness and the stoppage of their ambitions to own their city that reaches heaven, the devil will be nowhere to be found by them. He will be waiting to receive them into eternal damnation (his destined home).
No one can escape Babylon and her awful end by any means other than through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:11-12). No matter the degree all who are in the kingdom of darkness are at, whoever listens to the prompting of God (their Creator and a loving Father) in their heart John 6:44, and turn to believe in Christ and abide in Him will be rescued (John 3:16, Colossians 1:13, John 16:16). Through His love and grace—and by faith (believe), He rescues or regenerates the spirit or heart of man.
Kingdom of Truth
God is spirit, His Kingdom is spiritual and it also has visible manifestations. All whose hearts are regenerated are the visible channels by which God’s system and pattern are being birthed visibly on earth in preparation for the new earth and new heaven John 4:24, Matthew 6:10, 2 Peter 3:13.
The new thing God is doing in and with the soul of His new creation (church) in Christ is not an ideology. It is the birthing of truth within the new creations (believers) which lives forever 1 John 2:17, Galatians 4:19. It is a being and living that is glorious! Glorious to the new creation though perplexing!
To the old creation man, it is annoying and a pain. It fuels rebellion against Christ because He is overthrowing the things the devil uses to enslave man. Things man wants to live his life for; physical pleasure (a craving for everything we see), power and pride in our achievements and possessions.… 1 John 2:16NLT.
In the light of all these, are you a new creation man in the Kingdom of light? Are you walking in the light of eternity? John 8:12, Ephesians 5:8, 1 John 1:6, 2:11. How lovely that your answers should be yes. I rejoice with you! Are you exploding in righteousness, joy and peace which are an inheritance of all true believers in the Truth (Light or Christ)?
Among those walking in the light of eternity, bosses do not exist. Christ says to them, “You all are brothers”! The Holy Spirit is exhorting and admonishing, “I plead with you by the mercies of God, don’t be bosses among God’s people (Church) who gather to worship Him and serve (bless) one another”.
Bosses set up themselves for a snare. Babylon (spiritual and temporal) is always seeking to bring believers who have escaped her back to bondage. Therefore, she craftily solicits for help from those who will be bosses among those who escaped. Her aim is to bring them back to her slavery 2 Peter 2:20.
Babylon suffers from the disease of a double mind. She acts as if she likes God but hates Him. She talks about God but never submits to Him 2 Timothy 3:5, James 1:8. This is how complex she is. Babylon is religious but hates the truth.
She neither accepts the truth nor lives by it. Or, allow others to. She is unrepentant and feigns innocence while fast pursuing her clearly defined goal to make a name for herself, encage many and if possible, derail the faith of some saints Proverbs 2:16-19 NLT.
Committed, deliberate and active devil worshipers know their fate. They are wise, so to speak. They devote their lives totally to Satan and this present world. They don’t deceive themselves—they are aware that they can’t eat their cake and still have it. But sadly, according to the scriptures, the children of God’s kingdom in thinking they can eat their cake and have it become less wise than the children of the kingdom of darkness Luke 16:13, 8.
Verse 13 of Luke 16 hits its mark as we see in our generation, “fine preachers” telling us that we can talk about love, forgiving, repentance but never love, forgive or repent. We can kill, steal, be immoral, slanderous, occultist etc and still be God’s friend because we have once received Jesus. But, if those who have not received Jesus indulge in the same things, they go to hell. It doesn’t add up! 1 Corinthians 5:9-10, 11-12, 13.
God’s intention for his children is to be as wise as the serpent but, innocent Matthew 10:16. How? Psalm 119:98NLT shows how, “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are my constant guide”. Proverbs 2:20-22.
Therefore, being made wise by God’s word, we are admonished in 1 Peter 3:16, Titus 2:7 and Matthew 5:16.
If God is helping you escape from Babylon (spiritual and temporal), then keep setting your eyes on Christ as He’s daily taking you on an exciting, glorious and straight journey. Don’t now listen to old prophets! 1 Kings 13:1-32.
No regenerated person has walked all the length of God’s street—no, not one! Christ does not have a wife yet. His bride is yet being adorned! Even those who have joined the cloud of witnesses above are still waiting for the cloud of witnesses below. Those who keep their eyes on Christ will overcome like Him and the cloud of witnesses above (brothers who have gone ahead to be with Him). Saleh!
Until the marriage supper, the Holy Spirit warns Christ’s bride (not house, institution, mega or emerging church, but just the Church) don’t be arrogant, remember your first love, abide and submit to Him. Resist the devil, resist him again, and resist him steadfastly! For us to remain in this “good success”, we are daily empowered to submit to God and resist the devil.
He is no match for the grace (power) that is in and with you. But, don’t be arrogant and unwise because the devil is a strong wooer who wants to feast on your soul. Therefore, look to Christ Jesus the High Priest who is the stronger man and the lover of your soul. He wants to save your soul to the utmost.
Let us look up His eternal promises which helps you participate daily in his divine activities happening in heaven that are happening also on the earth.
On one hand, Christ’s bride is using the scriptures to teach, reproof, correct, and trains herself in righteousness that she may be complete and equipped for every good work. On the other hand, Babylon is using the same scriptures both to bring people to herself and to help them rebel against Christ and live in and to their flesh! Matthew 23:15, Hosea 5:4. Babylon (the ignorant and unstable) is twisting scriptures to create room for the flesh 2 Peter 3:16.
We ought to be History students all our lives—read history! Babylon entraps and enslaves through allurement of momentary things. Let’s always take this truth to heart. Even the saints who God blessed with momentary things eventually left them behind to go and rest with Him. Therefore, we don’t let the blessings to be left behind blind us and prevent us from wholeheartedly taking hold of the blessing that will be with us for all eternity 1 Corinthians 13:13. Having loved this present world, Demas, a fellow worker in the gospel of Christ with Paul loosened His grip on destiny and took a walk on the opposite direction of eternal life Ephesians 5:15-21.
God is giving eternal life to man on earth—men and women are walking in eternal life today that is God’s will. A day comes and He will permit them to enter into its fuller reality through sleep. Though, some will be awake to see (enter) it like Simeon Luke 2:25-32.
The Holy Spirit bids the bride of Christ on earth, “Sow not to the flesh! Don’t build Babylon; cast her down by the power of God’s word in your heart and mouth”. You that fear and reverence the Lord stop to consider God’s plea!
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sow, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption (things that last temporally), but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life (Galatians 6:7-8).
To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6). This is the kingdom of God: righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). This is the Truth! God’s word is Truth and true.