Galatians 5:20
The definition of leadership as “influence” has misled and destroyed the faith of many leaders in the past but is even now, destroying many more especially among the younger emerging folks. This is because there are few things that can boost one’s influence without it necessarily being from God. This, makes influence a suspect word and not befitting for describing Godly leadership.
In the bible, there is no gift called leadership—but as the various gifts in the body function, leadership flows through Christ by the Holy Spirit to the whole body. It’s clear from scriptures that Eldership is not a spiritual gift but an appointed function which is done by Elders in the exercising of their gifts Acts 6:3, 14:23. Their gifts can be within the five-fold ministry seen in Eph 4:11 or spiritual gifts shown in 1 Cor 12:4-11. So, it is by exercising their gifts that they lead, which makes their authority to be subject to the scriptures.
The scriptures lay out the practice and the source of the power flowing out from those who lead at any given time and it is amply different from the practice of sorcery and its occult powers 2 Cor 4:7. Many undiscerning Christians may be vexed to read an article that associates sorcery with many a leadership in the Church but, is because they are unaware that sorcery has long left its crude form. In our time, it has become most sophisticated having been re-branded as management packages and simplified practices which can be waded on an individual or congregations without the victim(s) being aware. This has made it appealing to religious leaders and elders given it can be used discreetly and unfortunately, it works (gets the job done) though, it remains an abomination to God as it was in its earlier forms.
How do we answer to the following questions:
(a) Are you in any secret society or fraternity that you are not proud to declare membership to other fellow believers in Christ Jesus?
(b) Do you read any book(s) including on-line, you would rather no one in the Church know about?
(c) Do you attend any secret meetings including on-line (excluding governmental/national security official meetings) or receive any magazine(s) you would rather no one in the Church know about except of course those in it with you?
(d) Do you have practices or habits you’ve painstakingly learned and rehearsed by which you “harmlessly” INFLUENCE people to do things (even good things) without them even knowing they’re not acting on their own God given volition?
If your answer to any of the above is yes, God is waiting for you to bear fruit worthy of repentance Acts 19:19. God does not call anyone or group of persons to equip His people by using any blessing or power outside of Him (God). So, every attempt to enrich the lives of God’s people by employing devilish techniques is totally condemned by God’s word. If we worship other gods with our minds or serve as their embodiment while claiming to be His temple and modeling Godly leadership, we are practicing self deceit, evil and abomination.
There is need for us to constantly remind ourselves that, there is nothing anyone or any group of people who have flesh and blood does in natural darkness with their body or out of their body in spiritual darkness that escapes the light of God. His light is everywhere to save those who will call out to His love and mercy. No one needs to come out of darkness before God can save him or her—He reaches out to you where you are, to redeem you Heb 4:13, Jer 23:24, Acts 2:21. Just call out to Jesus Christ!
To be in the gospel and to model gospel leadership is to abide in Christ Jesus, Who, as the bread of life is expressed to us as biblical teachings or doctrines Heb 6:1b which helps renew our minds Gal 1:8. Those in leadership functioning at any given time, preoccupy themselves more with renewing their minds (laying down their minds for that of Christ) MORE THAN those who are not 1 Tim 3:1, 3:2, 12. However, close examination of the criteria for leaders/elders, shows that the same lifestyle is required of all Christians.
The babes, adolescent and the matured in Christ depend on the Bread to live John 6:33, 48, Heb 5:12 & 14, Psalm 119:9. This Bread is unleavened! Everyone who eats it consistently, while prayerfully relying and focusing on Christ, progressively gains grace and inspiration. The out-flowing of the grace and unction is what leads the person through whom it is flowing and others who are in contact with him or her. The mixture of grace and unction is the leadership Spirit and it cannot be referred to as influence.
Every human has influence or (aura as some call it) to varying degrees which can be accentuated by manipulation of the mind or by pledging allegiance to evil spirits who then sell their bread to the person(s) Eph 5:11-12. The bread they offer is leavened and we MUST reject it steadfastly because, it is poisonous and subtle while forcefully taking the mind to anything but Christ. It pushes one to Idolatry and spiritual death. It is false bread though it looks the same as the unleavened Bread (Eph 5:6).
We need to be Alert
While eyes are on overtly secret societies, international governmental bodies and prominent world personalities to produce the anti-Christ, havoc is raging within the coven in the temple. The temple that is supposed to be a plain city of light set on a hill has become a place of darkness where lies are being prophesied and lying wonders are being originated to deceive as many as would be led astray Ezekiel 8:1-18.
What is a Temple
It is important to note that a temple typifies the mind of an individual and the gathering together of people for worship— not the physical building. In 1 Cor 6:19, the temple is referred to as an individual person, in 1 Peter 2:5, it uses the plural form (Ecclesia) and Rev 2:9, references false worshippers as the synagogue of Satan. It’s what comes out from the temple that shapes us and our environment. This is not just about speaking but also, actions— it either blesses God or defiles us Mark 7:20, Rom 12:2. This has nothing to do with positive thinking and confession! Rather, I am talking about us yielding our minds to Christ not manipulative development of our filthy minds. The mind gives birth to the actions of the flesh (body) which is why when the mind is sick, it affects the body— so much so it is used interchangeably Col 2:18 NKJV, Matt 6:22, Luke 11:34 Rom 12:1-2.
Protection for your mind
In Eph 4:30, we are admonished not to grieve the Holy Spirit Who is suppose to reside inside each believer 24 hours and 365 days of the believers’ mortal life in other to teach, guide, help and comfort the believer. This is to prevent believers from eating the leavened bread (false teaching-mind development).
When leavened bread is presented even to a new born baby in Christ, the unction inside him or her notifies them that something is not right with the bread 1 John 2:27. But unfortunately, because of the false hierarchical structure of the institutional Church and the lack of reading and meditating on the scripture, many believers ignore this protection God gives by the Holy Spirit due to their undue respect to positional leaders of their denominations or theological camp. This is not the case with the matured in Christ, by reason of use, they are more capable to respond more swiftly to error and save their souls and if they are not selfish, they warn the babies and even the matured who have become blinded— encouraging them to escape with their souls from the net (false teaching/practice) of the devil Phil 3:15 Heb 5:14, 1 Tim 4:16.
It is unfortunate that so many fine brothers who have enjoyed the ministry, spiritual gifts and God’s awesome grace are rethinking Christianity. They need to be confronted, but be sure you have first had a think of Christianity because, if you are not grounded in the faith (Jesus Christ), His word and have a close consistent walk with the Holy Spirit, you would be INFLUENCED before you realize it—that is, if you are blessed to realize you’ve been taken in by them. The times are indeed perilous and glorious at the time!
Over several decades, some foremost brothers in Christendom have been targeted to be derailed by strategically and powerfully wooing them through corrupting knowledge acquisition and threats to expose their secret sins. The purpose is to persuade them to consider compromising the teachings of the bible. If you’re in this type of situation, confess your sin openly, receive God’s forgiveness and reject the group(s) holding you hostage. You need to do this! Free yourself and return to teaching the pure word of God to which you have been called!
John the Apostle, tells us by God’s word that a Christian can sin and there is room for repentance and cleansing by the Blood of Christ. So, never let your public reputation become a snare such that anyone or group will threaten to use your sin(s) in the past or present to hold you up in bondage in order to force you to preach and teach error. Repent, be ridiculed publicly than deliberately pervert Christ’ teaching 1 John 2:1-6. It is a lesser evil that you are humiliated in man’s sight than face God with evil conscious because you knowingly twisted His word and deceived those who looked up to you because of God’s grace in your life.
If you still love Jesus in your heart, be faithful to call a spade what it is— spade, not an agricultural implement. Call pragmatism and materialism, which easily lends itself to sorcery its proper name—humanism. And, its implication will become immediately clear and those who love Jesus will have nothing to do with it. Influencing the mind of man is easy and Satan loves it because he has always flawed man there. But, praise God our relationship with Him starts not in the mind but our spirit Eph 2:8. Christ calls His people to lay down their minds for His.
Take this article as a word from God and act now and free yourself from their oath—nothing will happen to you because of Christ’s Blood. Amen.
All through the history of the Ecclesia not Church organisations, it is men and women who have yielded their minds to God that have caused Satan and his cohorts’ nightmares. After all is said and done, reformation is not to the credit of the smartest, holiest, most studious and prayerful men and women though not without these qualities but, to the men and women who were overwhelmed by the love and Spirit of God and therefore were broken as they increasingly yielded their minds to that of Christ Jesus— to Whom be all the glory and honor for all eternity. Amen