Ecclesiastes 9:11
There is a wide spread misunderstanding of the subject of chance in the Church and as such many argue that chance does not happen to Christians. The book of Ecclesiastes included in the sixty-six books that make-up the canon of scripture (the bible) states that chance happens to everyone on the earth.
Chance is an event that occurs without the deliberate intervention of man when spiritual orchestration and physical sequence meet to create a natural event.
The spiritual side can originate from God or Satan. When it is God inspired we call it a blessing and if Satan influenced, we call it a curse and evil.
Firstly, the scripture tells us that God spiritually orchestrates things by blowing the wind where He wishes.
Secondly, the Devil also orchestrates his wishes through his arrows that fly by day and by night.
The knowledge of physics confirms that wind can aid (allow) or disallow arrows from reaching their target(s).
God has promised all His children who put their faith in Him and are lead by His Spirit that the Devil’s arrows will not come near (defeat) them because His wind will constantly blow them away to the waterless places and they are covered by the blood sacrifice of Christ (Eph 6:16, Psalm 91:5 &7, 1 Cor 10:13). Paul substantiates this by revelation in Rom 8:28, Eph1:11 and Job’s story which represents the life of the bride of Christ holds lessons for the Church.
Retaining the fear of God, His love, His righteousness and consistent prayer life, fasting, study of the bible and meditation on the rhema of God contributes towards our response (physical sequence) to achieve our safety and blessings but ultimately God’s sovereignty accomplishes it (Prov 16:1, Phil 2:13). For God has ordained that when we’re asleep, our high priest neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is ever making ceaseless intercession for the heirs of salvation (Heb 7:25).
Time births events and time has its limitations and is subject to God who lives outside time. So, time is a servant of the Almighty God. He combines time and chance for His ultimate purpose and pleasure.
The race is not to the swift
God uses time and chance to influence the race to which humans are involved in on the earth in such a way that the outcome is not determined by the swift (those that move fast when need) but by Him. This point does not negate the necessity to move fast when needed but is an emphasis that is not those who move fast at the right time that win the race. There are other factors called time and chance that ultimately and truly determines outcomes of all races. Sports men and women know this too well-a champion runner can start a race well and fast but trip and fall or suddenly lose breath unduly without any prior symptom of illness before the race.
The battle to the strong
God uses time and chance to influence battles such that the outcome is not determined by the strong. The Egyptians still remember what their fore-fathers experienced when they pursued the weak Israelites to destroy them in the wilderness.
Bread to the wise
God uses time and chance to influence bread in a way that its benefit is not determined by the wise (Eccl 11:1). The percentage of return from a bread cast into water is not determined by the wise. There are many wise people who lack bread and while this may have been contested years back especially by the younger adults, today’s economic environment and alarming rate of unemployment created by the very wise men and women of our generation stands as a credit to the fact that bread is not to the wise. Also, visit to the most impoverished nations of the world with array of wise people buttresses this more.
Riches to men of understanding
God uses time and chance to influence riches to determine where it should go at any given time and those with understanding are at the mercy of time and chance. So understanding does not determine riches of any kind. The most advanced countries of the world today are inviting us to come and learn that the word of God is infallible. The understanding of the most advanced people of the world has suddenly resulted to disappointment, poverty, debt and sorrows. “Understanding” is good and should be sort after but riches do not lend itself just to the men of understanding.
Favour to men of skill
God uses time and chance to influence favour thereby determining where it should go either to a person with skill or not. Skill therefore does not determine favour. Many skilled people are working in Jobs that are meant for the unskilled in various sectors of the economy because of lack of favour and vice versa.
There is only one thing that can make man fail to understand this crucial messenger of time and chance and that is man’s pride.
All answered prayers are stored till an appointed time and chance creates the event(s) that births the purpose of God. God had determined that John the Baptist was going to be six months older than Jesus and for that reason, pray Zechariah and Elizabeth the much they want, she could not get pregnant before the “due” season. God is truly sovereign!
Time and chance puts all men under the mercy of the spiritual. For the spiritual controls the physical. Those that worship God through Jesus Christ alone by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit enjoy time and chance because the alpha and omega, the creator of all things visible and invisible, the Lord of Lords, the lion of the tribe of Judea and the Prince of peace grants them to live and move and have their being in Him and with Him (Acts 17:28). This should ignite fresh confidence, appreciation and thankfulness to Jesus Christ for saving us who have become the heirs of salvation and joint heirs with Him.
The secrets, power, wisdom and love of God are beyond searching out! Which other god has been wise enough to dwell outside of time- which, has power and love so deep to secure his or her worshipers outside of time?- none but the ONLY true God and father of our Lord and saviour Christ Jesus. To Him be all praise, glory, adoration and thanks for all eternity. He has hidden all of His sons in Christ who dwell outside of time and uses time as a servant to run His errands for the heirs of this most precious salvation to their ultimate benefit and destruction of Satan, his cohorts and those that prefer him (Satan) to their creator.
Those that reject Jesus Christ, and those that use His name for participation in abomination that cause desolation in the Holy place (His temple-us), time and chance holds defeat for them when victory will be needed the most. Every soul needs victory on the day of the race of life, on that day bread is needed which are the riches of the heart and favour, for those are the indispensable gifts that win the battle of death which must come to every soul at the appointed time.
At the appointed time, chance kicks in, for time and chance are mutual friends!
If you have read this article up to here and you are not a believer and follower of Jesus Christ I will plead with you to see this as an opportunity of God’s orchestration to bring you into a lively relationship with Jesus. Ask him to come into your heart as you will ask your natural father, mother or friend to visit you and perhaps help you with a need. Like the song goes, “Sometimes in our lives We all have pain We all have sorrow But if we are wise We know that there’s always tomorrow Lean on me, When you’re not …”. Maybe yesterday you postponed making friends with Jesus and now, today is that tomorrow you said in your heart that you will consider Jesus’ invitation as in the song- “Lean on me”. Jesus is the best friend both the wise and foolish need. He does not have pain neither does He have sorrow now. He finished with both over two thousand years ago for the sake of mankind- He understands pain and sorrow like no one else do. Now, He seats as the only prince of peace to all who need peace and help. God bless you as you enter into this relationship with Jesus with new horizon of joy and peace that surpass all understanding.
A good place to turn to for clearer understanding of your new friend if you have just invited Jesus into your heart will be the bible and not some Christians out there. Your fellowship should be with the one (JESUS CHRIST) you have made friends with First and then with Him guiding you to fellowship with others. Remember to Judge God by your experience with Jesus and not the people you fellowship with—for they are but followers just like you. And every follower is yet learning from the master (Jesus).
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and He is your savior and Lord, be strong and confident that time and chance can only work and is working for your ultimate good. The beginning and the middle of a matter is important and many times calls for patience, endurance, long suffering but it culminates to the best beauty at the end. That is why there is need to persevere in the interim no matter how things seem to be turning out for you. Exercise your God given faith and trust Him that He is working in every event facing you right now for your blessing. We must remember- without faith is impossible to please God that is why He has given us faith. If we must please Him, we must do so now while we are in this world.
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith (1 John 5:4).
God is today helping all who are engaged to Jesus to hasten towards the unspeakable joy of the marriage feast of the lamb (Rev 19:7). And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Rev 12:11).